Luna & stuff

Luna is almost all grown up.

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And while she’s calmed down pretty significantly, it still feels like we just have this random wild animal living in our house sometimes. Haha.

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For Valentine’s Day, we bought her a big present – a big kitty jungle gym. We’ve been wanting to get her one, because she loves being high up. We had a leftover Visa gift card from Christmas we’d saved for the Disney trip, but then didn’t need it, so we put it towards this.

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She loves it! We moved it over by the couch, so she just hangs out on the top and watches tv with us. She also loves her “kitty tv” – Chase set up the bird feeders outside the kitchen window, so she can sit on the windowsill and watch birdies all day.
She has a thing about bathtubs. She likes to roll around in them and eeeeevery morning she comes running in as soon as she heard I’m up, leaps into the tub and starts rolling around.

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It’s not even wet in there (she hasn’t decided what she thinks of the water yet. She’s curious, but she’s not sold on it like some cats I’ve seen.), and if I have the curtain closed she’ll just barrel right through it and knock stuff over.

It’s been just over 2 months since we lost Indy. It’s still really rough. Stupid things make me pretty upset. For some reason I thought going to Disney and getting away would somehow make things better but they really didn’t. I’m probably the only idiot who has ever cried at the Move it! Shake it! parade because something reminded me of her and I found myself standing there watching dancing Genie and tearing up. And once I realized I had to go home and she wouldn’t be there it was just bad all over again.
I know that we did the right thing, and she had a long life but I miss her something awful.

I was reminded of a story earlier today that I wanted to share though! It’s much happier!

When I gave my 2 weeks at my old job with my crazy boss and the super toxic awful atmosphere, it was obviously really awesome! But there was an even better moment halfway through the 2 weeks.
My last two weeks were kinda crazy. Besides still doing my actual job (which was a job that needed at least 2 other people on hand, but I was doing it all by myself because the help I was promised was usually denied to me…) I also had to wrap all the loose ends I had, train other people on every aspect of my job, write guides on every aspect of my job in case somebody I DIDN’T train had to do it, etc. It was all craziness.
So halfway thru my 2 weeks, my boss tells me that they’re switching part of my job over to a new system. I think, well that’s great for them, it’ll be a clean break, I’ll finish things up the old way and the new guys can learn the new way. Nice, right?
Well she wants me to do the training on the new system. Huh? Why??
So Friday – one week til my last day – I had to sit in on a couple of hours worth of training with the guy they sent over to set it all up. Whatever – Fridays were my slow day, so it didn’t really matter. I didn’t really pay attention, because…. again, why?
Monday rolls around and I jump into my daily tasks, only for my boss to pull me into more training. Like, literally I don’t have time for this, I’ve got 14 things to do on my short list. We’re not talking about my long list here. I don’t have time to stand around for hours watching this guy (who was perfectly nice and not at fault) show us how to use this new system.
So at one point, something on this new system is not working, I’m standing there while work piles up, so I straight up looked at him and said, “Hey, just so you know, Friday is my last day here. So I’m not going to do this training.”
He was nice about it. Of course my boss hadn’t even told him that. I just went back over to my desk and did the stuff that needed done while he trained the other two people on the new system.
The funny thing? One of those other two people ended up quitting for a better job, opted to not give two weeks notice, and left the same day as me. We ran out of the building yelling, “We’re free!” LOL.
Just a pleasant memory to have. Sticking it to the man I guess. (Or I should have done the training and not written all the guides… I guess that actually might have been worse but I didn’t want to leave my nice coworkers like that LOL)