House and Teeth Cleaning

So I went and got my teeth cleaned for the first time in waaaay too long and boy are they sore. Not so bad today. But last night I was hurting. They looked good except I’m going to have to have a crown replaced. Ouch. (the ouch is more financially speaking than physically, though)

I’ve been on a mad house cleaning/getting rid of stuff/reorganizing spree since getting back from Dragoncon. So far I’ve done:
Laundry Room
Hall Bath
Master bath
Under the bed (3 storage bins cleaned out and reorganized – 4 spaces bags worth of stuff down to 1, everything else donated)
Storage cubs in bedroom
Entryway table drawers
Kitchen shelves (dvds/toys/etc)
Coffee table drawers
Entertainment center/table drawer/storage
Living room shelves
Partial Kitchen

Those are all the easy things actually. The harder things are still to come. I’ve got to:
Finish the kitchen (a few more drawers/cabinets to go)
Entryway closet
Dressers in the bedroom
Master closet
And finally, the two big ones: my sewing room and the guest/prop room.

Actually my sewing room shouldn’t be too bad – I kept it pretty straight over the Dragoncon rush. It got bins and stuff dumped in it after Dragoncon, so it’s really just cleaning all that stuff up and putting it away. I do need to reorganize my closet, though.
The prop/guest room is always the worst one. We never have enough room in there. I intend to go through and seriously get rid of some stuff and try to make a decent and viable room in our house instead of junk storage. I’ve got a lot of toys and stuff I want to get rid of. They just take up space, and we don’t even know what we’ve got half the time. What’s the point in having it if you’re not enjoying it and don’t even know it’s there?

And actually those aren’t the last. After that, and the weather cools, it’s time to hit the garage again. I have a LOT in there I want to get rid of.