

I literally…. LITERALLY cannot wrap my brain around how people are so astounded that I take 12 costumes to Dragoncon. Like, I could probably squeeze in 3-4 more without ever feeling crowded.

I mean, I can see the other side, I can see how other people only bring 1 costume or no costumes and spend the entire con standing in line for panels and autographs and what have you. That’s not my thing. But I get it.

Like, for us it’s a 5 day convention, Wed-Mon. We’re at a host hotel. It’s hot. There’s a lot of walking. I like costumes. All of this equals changing costumes a lot. I really don’t feel like it’s all that hard to get.

It’s not that I mind people asking. It’s just that it’s my 25th time answering the question this summer.