Your Daily Update

Didn’t get to work much last night; but I did get the jacket basically put back together.

Jacket progressing. Still tweaking fit. Belt is a stand-in! I haven't made mine | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I need to go back in and trim and replace my seams and darts, and also I think I may need to move the left side down – the pockets ended up uneven and I think it’s just because I’ve got it placed too high (I hope that’s all it is. Otherwise I’m just going to have to have uneven pockets). I realized after doing the first one that I didn’t have it angled quite like hers, but that we’re just going to have to live with because I am NOT making these again.

Threw the belt on just to see how it would look once I have a belt on. I’m fairly happy with it so far.

My buttons came!

Box of vintage buttons for the jacket. I bought these on ebay - it was almost enough for everything - I was one short for the sleeves. Bought a stand-in at the fabric store that was close | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

So I’ll be able to put those on this weekend as well. Fingers crossed for making button holes. I’ve only done that once or twice, because my machine doesn’t make button holes – you put it on the button hole setting and just eats fabric. The adopted machine DOES do them and very nicely; so I’ll have to practice first just to be sure, like I said, I am NOT cutting and redoing these front pieces again.