The Red Folder

I’ve had this red leather folder I use for travel. I think my aunt gave it to me before I left for Dragoncon 2003 – or SDCC 2004? I know it was one of the two. Since then, I’ve used it for every major trip I’ve taken.
Everytime I go to put stuff in it it’s always got the last trip’s paperwork still there. Kinda neat to look back at it – flight info, hotel info, packing lists. I have one Fedex Return Label still stuck in there from Megacon 2009, I think it was. It’s for emergencies.

Last year before Dragoncon I couldn’t FIND IT…. I freaked out and tore the house apart looking for my RED FOLDER. I thankfully finally found it but it was tense few days.

The folder is organized and ready for Disney.