Random musings

Why is Star Wars costuming so over-sexualized? I’ve noticed it for a while, but tumblr really brought it to my attention recently.
So over there on tumblr, I have a handful of tracked tags. I don’t look at them all that often, just if I’m really super bored, usually.
Some of the ones I have are: “doctor who cosplay” “lord of the rings cosplay” “Harry potter cosplay” “comic book cosplay” and “star wars cosplay.”
In other words, most of my fav geeky genres + cosplay so I can look at nice costume photos.

I’ve stopped looking at my “star wars cosplay one”, though. Even more so than “comic book cosplay,” it’s all over-sexualized – everything from Slave Leias to hot-chicks-in-helmets to boobs to full on NSFW-oh-god-close-the-tab.

Literally. For every 2-3 pages of returns, maybe one post is an actual, non-sexualized costume photo. MAYBE.

I mean, I suppose you can blame it on the nature of the beast – tumblr – but this phenomenon is not just on tumblr. And I can go look at my other tags and they’re not nearly as bad – comic book cosplay can sometimes be a little risque, but not nearly on the level of Star Wars.

What is it about Star Wars? Is it JUST because of Slave Leia and dancing Twi’leks? I mean, that can’t be it. Can it? Why is this happening? I don’t understand. I just want to look at some SFW jedis and aliens and Han Solos and pretty Amidala dresses please and thank you.