The saga of my sunglasses

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So I am really bad about sunglasses. I’ve never been into them that much – I’ll occasionally buy a pair, and then either decide I look silly in them and never wear them, or forget them, or lose them immediately. Never really mattered since I don’t care about sunglasses anyway.

Well one day while swimming at my aunt’s pool, it was awfully bright out and of course I had no sunglasses. I asked if they had some I could borrow, because I knew they had a whole drawer of sunglasses that have been left at the pool over the years. They just throw them in a drawer so when the person comes back, they can find their glasses again – or, as in my case, they can use them as loaners.

So I was given a pair of white framed sunglasses that were SO not me. If I’d been shopping for a pair I’d never have even picked them up. Well I liked how they fit, so with my aunt’s permission (they’d been there forever), they went home with me. And then I realized I liked how they looked, too. And they became my first “real” pair of sunglasses. Like, on my way out the door, I’d grab them and put them on, and they remember to put them back later. I never lost or misplaced them! For years they went with me everywhere, as can be seen above in a pic from our Disney trip in 2012.

As it turned out, the glasses originally belonged to a friend of a friend who had left them at the pool, as I discovered on a day almost a year later when said friend-of-a-friend was over at my house. Our mutual friend saw them and told me “Oh I think those are so-and-so’s” so I quickly tossed them in a drawer because I didn’t want this person thinking I’d stolen them! Well, I guess I kinda did, but… I kept them. And our mutual friend eventually told her how embarrassed I’d been and they thought it was funny, so everything was cool – but I always thought it was funny the only pair of sunglasses I ever loved were ill-gotten.

So time marched on and sunglasses don’t last forever. They cracked, and Chase fixed them. They cracked again, and Chase fixed them again. Finally they cracked beyond all repair and I had to give up my lovely white sunglasses.

Well recently my grandma got to pick free sunglasses at the casino, and she asked if I wanted a pair. I said yeah, if they have some white-framed ones, get them for me, please. So she did.

Those things SUCK. The dream of having my white sunglasses back was shattered by this useless pair of crapglasses. I had to wear them today because I forgot to grab my new “normal” pair (which I don’t care for, either, but they’re better than the white ones). The lenses in them are so dark it’s hard to see! And if the sun hits them from the side, forget it. It creates a giant reflection of your face on the inside of the black lenses. So if you’re cool driving while looking at your own face instead of the road, they’re great, but if you actually want to see where you are going, you’re better off squinting in the sun.

they’re crap! I want my old sunglasses back!