Story Time

So, I’m selling what’s left of my Quidditch costume from 2003.
The robe disappeared years ago. I loaned it to somebody – I don’t even know who now – and either I didn’t get it back, or when they gave it back it was stuffed in a bag and lost forever. Either way. It’s gone and has been gone since probably around 2004 or 2005.

I’m still really sad about that because that robe was sharp. I really liked it.

My Katie Bell (Harry Potter) costume from October 2003.Photo by | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

But, I’m not here to assail you with tales of lost robes. I’m here to talk about that damn sweater.

SO – way back in the dark days of 2003, I decided I wanted to make a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform. Remember that Vanity Fair photoshoot when the first movie came out? Man I wanted to be that.

At that point there was nowhere you could buy any parts of a Harry Potter costume, except maybe ties at the WB store. Certainly no Quidditch sweaters. So I looked at the bulletin board at Hancocks to see if there was anyone who could knit me a sweater. Lo and behold there was – my mom contacted her for me and we meet the knitter and bought the yarn she suggested and got everything set up. At this point it was either February or March – I told her I’d like it for an event in June (A-Kon).

Well A-Kon was approaching and we hadn’t heard from the knitter. We called her up to see how it was going and she told us she wouldn’t be able to have it ready. No big deal – I hadn’t bought any other supplies for the costume, so it wasn’t a big deal to put it off til Anime Expo. I mean, stuff happens, right? I let her know that was fine and now I’d need it by July.

Here comes AX and again, another call, and it’s not going to be ready. Again I’m like – no big deal. It doesn’t really make sense to wear a sweater in California in July anyway. It’d be a better costume for Dragoncon. So I tell her end of August, ok? Ok.

I guess you can see where this is going. Dragoncon rolls around and – nope, not going to be ready. Seriously? By this point I’m getting a little miffed, but I tell her – fine, but I HAVE to have it by October, for Halloween. Deal.

So mid-October rolls around and again, haven’t heard anything. At this point I should have realized to cut my losses and moved on with my life (especially since I was paying her it when I picked it up – I’d only have been out the cost of the yarn) – but I was damned and determined to get this sweater and do this costume.

So – another call to the knitter, and this one is much more firm. She started to waffle about it again, but then promised she’d have it done by the 29th. That’s cutting it awful close, huh? So since she promised it, I went ahead and bought my material, and made everything up as quick as I could so I’d have it ready.

Well glory be, she’s finished it on the 29th. My mom and I go to meet her and pick it up! It’s finally done!

And what’s the first thing the knitter says when she sees me?

“You’re a lot bigger than I remember…”


Really do you ever want to hear anybody say that? Especially with that trail off at the end? It’s not like I had a growth spurt. She measured me at our first meeting. And yep – she pulls the sweater out and it’s tiiiiny. I’m so frustrated at this point – I just hand her the money and off we go.

THANKFULLY it stretched enough I could wiggle my way into it. The length was the problem – it was short, and the sleeves were only like 3/4 length, but that was hidden by the arm guards.

And that’s why in my etsy store I suggested it be best used for a child or young teen. Because that’s pretty much the only person it would ever really fit right.

I had initially planned on remaking my arm and leg guards after Halloween that year, since I’d rushed putting it all together so I could finally have it to wear. But after getting that tiny sweater it was like my Quidditch dreams were crushed. I wore it twice. Never to a con. I just let it go, finally.

But the dream has sort of wormed its way back into my consciousness. I still have my broom. I’m much more adept at working with leather now and I could actually remake some nice arm and leg pieces I think. And part of me still misses that lost robe. So – maybe one day, I’ll end up with a proper Quidditch costume. Who knows…