Dragoncon 2013 Costumes

So, I have my Dragoncon costume schedule pretty much finalized. Not sure I’m going to do that fourth one I mentioned; just depends on time and money.

But, here’s what we stand on them:

1. Romana I
As you can see from my most recent post I messed it up! LOL. I ordered more fabric and I’m hoping to have the dress done this weekend, and the cape hopefully done by the end of the month. I’m going to have to order more feathers, I didn’t buy enough. After that I just need shoes, and the decoration on the front of the dress.
I’m really being a cheapskate about the shoes. I really don’t want to pay more than $20 for them. And I can’t find anything that cheap, so I’m a grumpy cheapskate right now.

2. Costume Duo 1
This duo is for me and Chase; we’re part of a large group. I’ve designed my costume and I’ve started shopping, but so far all I’ve bought is the boots. Going to start shopping for it after I get some more of Romana done.

3. Costume Duo 2
Yep the other one is another costume duo for me and Chase. I got it in my head to do this about a month ago and had to kinda talk him into doing this one. I’m excited about it; it’s one I’ve always wanted to do, but never really wanted to without the matching costume 🙂

So I guess this was a completely useless post, considering I said pretty much nothing new. I’m just really bored.