Marie Antoinette Progress, and Valkyrie stuff

less than 2 weeks now…
The wig is done.

All finished! I added some pearled bobbie pins to it, and a feather I | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

A side view of the finished wig. I bought that pearl trim for the costume and didn't use it, so I put a bit in the back of the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram


I wanted to curl the leftover sections a bit more than they are, but everytime I tried on my test piece, the curling iron just straightened it! LOL I could have kept trying, probably, but decided to leave well enough alone. I’d like to add a few more pearls if possible but it depends on time.

And I’m going to give away a picture of one of my Surprise costumes.

My finished Valkyrie belt! I bought a belt at a hardware store. Chase flipped it for me and moved the buckle so I could use the wrong side of it.I made a pouch, various weaponry and other attachments to go on it. It was a lot of fun digging through my stash and finding things to add to | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Still working on it. This one has the most left to go. The actual “clothes” part of it is done, just finishing accessories and shoes now…