Enchantress progress!

A collage of Enchantress progress!Bodice is done - belt is nearly done. skirt is pinned together and needs trimming. gloves are 95% done. I have one boot totally done and the other about halfway there.I'm so happy I'm nearly done with it and still have two and a half weeks before the con :)Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

what’s left:
adjusting the gloves. they’re a little too long, I need to take some of the length off so the top sits right. will take about 5 minutes.
belt fit. I just made an extra long belt, I need to put it on me with the bodice and cut off the extra length and put some velcro on.
finish the skirt. right now all the pieces are pinned to a piece of fabric underneath the belt. I need to attach that to the belt and then let chase trim the pieces up (they’re all way too long right now)
second boot. i’ve got 3 more circles to sew on, then machine sew all of them, sew back of the boot up, and then attach both boots to my pair of shorts… so really they’re pants. but right now they’re still boots.
headpiece. chase is pulling it this weekend. just need to attach some ribbons
decide on a wig. I’ve been planning on wearing my Magik wig, because I like the length and colour, but it’s an older wig and getting a little fuzzy looking, as you can see. I may try my She-Ra wig out – but it’s even older than my Magik wig and I have no idea what kind of shape it’s in. My Black Canary/Ms Marvel wig (which I ADORE), isn’t really long enough. My Black Canary 09 wig is pretty fragile, so I try not to use it for much else. I’m just going to have to try them on with my headpiece and see which I like best.