Artwork & Briar Rose updates

Costumes: I got the boning put in my Briar Rose bodice, and got the outer layer cut out and put together. I pinned the two sides together but haven’t sewn them up yet. I need to pick up some grommets, some lining for the shirt, and get my skirt fabric. I found something I really liked at Joanns, but they didn’t have enough of it – I just got a 40% off coupon so i’m just going to go back to Hancock, I’d rather give them my money than Joanns anyhhow.

Art: Working on a Wonder Woman pic for our team’s Race for the Cure shirt. Will have it done by the end of the week. I scanned it in tonight and started colouring it. I’m excited about it. We used Wonder Woman for our shirts last year, too – the race is around halloween, so last year I had wanted to wear Wonder Woman to the race itself, but it was too cold out. I’m hoping maybe this year I can wear it. I thought that would be fun.

Exercise: Got back on the cart. Rotating bike riding and Insanity’s cardio abs. It’s been a couple of months since I did cardio abs and I could barely make it through it, when before it was the easiest thing. sucks, man! Tomorrow is back to the bike, then thursday is cardio abs – etc.