Alyss progress!

It’s like 80% done. I’m really hoping to have it knocked out this weekend. Fingers crossed. The collar is almost finished – I need to make the little tubey things to go up the insides and attach them, and I need to sew my second line of snaps in place for it. I need to finish the edges of the neck drape and attach it, finish beading (not too terrible much left), and attach the ruffs at the sleeves.
The biggest thing left is the headpiece. I’m almost done with the hair portion – should be done with it tomorrow. Then I have to make the tiara which I’m a little scared of, but hopefully I’ll no issues and it’ll go quickly. Here’s a pic as of last night, and the wig in progress:

Lots of progress since my last photo!I've gotten all of the ruffles attached and the edges finished. I had to handsew a lot of these on. Also got the beading at the waistline finished.The chiffon chestpiece is in place, and I've started beading the fitted collar. I've gotten a start on the stand-up collar - this is a first | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Getting the wig formed over the "helmet" and the foam piece. This is the only time I've ever done a wig this way and it was interesting. Not sure I'd do it | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

I FINALLY made the mock-up of my Gaga skirt. I started cutting the real pieces out tonight, only to run out of fabric. I’m going to have to hope they have more at the fabric store… going to look tomorrow. I’m only missing 2 panels. This weekend I hope to finish the wig – get the skirt put together and on the cage, and start on the sequins on the bodysuit. Also, figure out the shoes.

Got my new wig for Surprise #2. A tad shorter than I wanted, but it’s miles better than the first.

I’m also hoping to finish up my Starfire edits this weekend, and my Ms Marvel boots.

I had today off to sew. I’m really disappointed with what I got done. When I got home from my hair appt this morning and ate lunch, I suddenly got REALLY tired and decided to lay down for a bit. I slept for longer than I wanted, and towards the end was trying to wake up – but it kept turning into a dream where I was trying to wake up but couldn’t move my limbs. It was freaky. Or, in the dream I’d get up and make it into the other room but then find myself back on the couch and unable to move again. Yuck. I managed to drag myself up and got to work but still felt crappy and felt like a migraine was coming on, so I took an Imitrex… when Chase got home with dinner I felt MUCH better after eating, though I’m still tired and hit a wall around 9. Couldn’t get up the energy to work on anything, but got over it and worked for another hour, which brings us to now.

Blah blah blah. Here’s another pic.

So this week we had to defrost one of the freezers at work, and there were big chunks of ice all over the bottom. Ash found one that looked like a dagger so I told her to pose with it and made her wait (so she was yelling at me to hurry, that thing is cold!), meanwhile kevin was setting up the photo bomb!
so in other words, a totally run of the mill day at work.