  • Ellie Abri

    Hi there! I have to make a Jane Porter costume for a festival I am participating in. I do not normally sew but I have to make my costume. Would it be possible for you to email me a list of the supplies or fabric you used? It would be extremely helpful. I’ve been searching for weeks of how to make this difficult costume and I dont have much time left. My email is LUVELLE3@PTD.NET

    Thankyou so much 🙂

    • kelldar

      sending you an email!

  • Jessica

    Hello, I was wondering if you could send me a list of the materials you used as well to make your dress. I was also wondering if it was hot and heavy.

    • kelldar

      I updated my portfolio page about Jane to include more of the materials I used, so please check that out. It’s not heavy at all, and I did not find it hot, but I’m cold natured, so your mileage may vary.