yuck yuck yuck

today was pretty icky. My migraine was still hanging in there, but my nausea was off the charts and I almost went home after lunch. But I hung in there… got home and took a little nap. Then Chase took a face cast of me for my Ms Marvel mask, which actually felt really good on my headache LOL and then a shower. Right now I feel ok. I think the migraine is over. I had to postpone our get together with my friends so hopefully we can do it tomorrow night or Wednesday.

But the crappy news of the weekend (and what probably set off my migraine) was that since my last hematologist appt late last year, my iron has plummeted from normal levels to way way low. I’m going to have to have another iron infusion, which SUCKS and I HATE it and I really don’t want to, and all weekend I dug in my heels and refused, and just kept getting mad and upset over it all over again. The thing is, when I went in to that last appt I complained that I was feeling really sluggish again. But tests were fine and no explanation was offered. I don’t feel any different now than I did then, still sluggish but ok. So I’m a little ticked over that.
But I’m going to do it… on my terms, when I want it and not when they decide on it.
I just hope it doesn’t send me into major-sweat mode like last year. That was gross and sucky.
(and everybody keeps telling me, “you’ll have so much more energy if you get the infusion!” which is BS. It didn’t give me any more energy last time and I don’t think it will this time, either. All it did was make me sweaty. Having the iron and extra blood last year did fix the “about-to-pass-out-after-walking-up-the-stairs” issue but it didn’t give me extra energy.)

Anyway this is not a great sketch I have today, but at least it’s got some colour.

Pretty sure I did this with random sharpies at work while on a conference call once.