Lots of updates

Got the bodice of the new WW basically put together yesterday. I’ve got to figure out where my boning is so I can hopefully get it finished by this weekend.
Starfire wig is coming along.
I got one Starfire boot almost finished. I need to do a little more fitting around the upper portion, and hem the top edge. The other boot pieces are cut out, need to get it sewn together and fitted.
I got the mockup of the actual suit made, and got it to where I like it. After I post this I’m going to go take it apart and use it to cut out the actual fabric.
Outside of finishing the wig, boots and suit – I’m kinda stuck until my new makeup comes. I ordered it today – I *possibly* had enough of my previous Starfire makeup leftover to use, but, eh, I’d rather start fresh. I need to get that here so I can dye my basic bodysuit to match how it looks on my skin. Then, Chase can airbrush it. Chase is also working on my gauntlets and collar – Starfire is really coming along. I’m pleased so far.

In other news, I bought a top hat and a jacket to alter for Zatanna. I really hope I don’t have to do a lot of alteration on the jacket, but I have a feeling I’ll have to.

Bought fabric for Chase’s tunic. Actually ended up with 2 different cuts for it – we went to one fabric store, found some we liked and bought it, then ended up near another one, went in to check it out, and found something we liked better. So this weekend gotta go return the first stuff.

Friday night – TRU midnight release, I’m really looking forward to it!!
