Boushh and Kenner Leia progress

I actually got quite a bit done last night!
Doll Leia is done, except for the belt, which will take all of 10 minutes to do, and putting a fastener on the collar. It cracks me up, I don’t think I’ve ever made anything so dumb looking LOL.

Finished my endor helmet – added the bill.

Fixed my rebel Leia shirt.

Boushh tunic is completely done, and we boiled the knees last night and put them underneath the tires of Chase’s car to dry LOL. They look pretty cool but I’m not touching them til he gets home.

So yeah – I’ve got today off. I’m pretty much stuck on Boushh til Chase gets home, but I’ve got my Padme cape to work on, endor poncho, and marasiah to keep me busy.