HP Book Release, KC WW Helmet!

Been busy with Harry Potter stuff — no pics from the bookstore party, since I forgot to get my camera out of the car. I wore Hermione and burnt up, since we ended up standing outside in line most of the night. There weren’t many interesting costumes, either — we had a really good Snape there, an Umbridge, and… a really terrible Darth Vader. Go figure. I wore the whole Hermione get up, only without the curly hair. So I guess I was random gryffindor student. Anyway – updates!

Boushh – waiting on a new helmet piece to get here. Otherwise I think I’m still in the same boat as I was last time, only I found a new pair of shoes, and I’m about to start on the pants tonight. I so love those pants.

WW – Helmet sculpt is done – ready for casting.

Nearly there!Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

The most recent photo we have of it. My wings and shinguards are ready to be coated and painted. I finally cut out the rest of the bodice – I’m not completely happy with the way it’s wrinkling but I suppose that’s rather unavoidable. Once I finish the bodice I can start on the skirt.

Endor Leia – I got my donut kit not long ago – Chase is going to work on that tonight. I also got a new flying helmet. It’s one of the real AN-H-15s (I think that’s what they’re called) instead of the thing had before, the “sort-of” helmet. It’s hilarious. I’m probably one of the few people around who can fit this thing, it’s a medium and it’s tiny, thankfully, I have a tiny head. I need to finish dyeing my poncho, and make the pleated section and bill for the helmet.

Doll Leia and Marasiah are the same as they were before. I did at least sew the white hair stripe onto my Marasiah wig.

Jango – we gave up making the vest. He’s buying one from somebody. Hurrah, one less thing to do.

Han – He bought pants, and we have a holster being made – yay, we don’t have to do it ourselves. I’m hoping his bloodstripes show up sometime soon so I can get them attached, and his jacket is starting to come together.

Now, gonna go mess with stuff.