The Last Big Purchase… a box of Boushh

Well, yesterday, I spent a whole lot of money that I probably shouldn’t have, but in the long-run I figure it’s a deal.
I now have the bulk of a project I wasn’t going to even start on for a long time winging its way to me as I type this. As a result, I’m probably going to delay most of the other costumes I had wanted to start on this year, mostly the “big ones” that I haven’t bought much of anything for yet, like Sarah, Amidala’s Red Invasion, and the other Belle dress. Not canceling them, just moving them to next year, where they will hopefully fit in my budget better! LOL

I told Chase I didn’t expect this “new” project to be done before Dragoncon – he said “We’ll see!” … so who knows, depending on how much work is left, it might be done… hmm. I don’t know though, I’d rather have the other Wonder Woman done.

I’ll post photos of all the goodies when they get here. I think most people can probably guess what it is… but I feel like being a pain and not saying it right out… LOL