Rogue wrap up

All in all, I was very happy with how Rogue turned out! However I am planning to redo one certain element: I’m going to cut the arms and legs of the blue suit off and permanantly attach the gloves and boots. I don’t like how you can see a tint of the blue through the single layer of the boots (from the ankle up) and the gloves (from the wrist up). I MIGHT not do the gloves, since not being able to take the gloves off would be a pain, but definitely the boots: that will also solve the problem of keeping the boots up (it was a repeat of starfire last year, stopping every few steps to pull the boots back up!) Also needs velcro resewn in a few places.

My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July 2006.At SDCC 2006! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July 2006.At SDCC 2006! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

The velcro holding the straps on the legs and wrists were fine – the ones on my upper arms were under too much stress and would pop at the slightest movement. Eventually the velcro came off one of them (dunno why I didn’t sew it in the first place – I figured it wouldn’t be “load bearing”) – so that’s gotta be sewn back on.

The gloves turned out MUCH better than my first pair! (the phoenix gloves) I owe this to having a real pattern this time (the Vogue pattern) and some good help from my mum.

The straps were good. I don’t know if you can tell in pics but they’re sections sewn together to make one big strap, like in the drawing. I could have just saved myself the trouble and made one big strap, since it’s not even noticeable! LOL

My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July 2006.At SDCC 2006! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

The “X” symbol kinda stumped me at first. Chase ended up finding a little gizmo at Radio Shack – a little circular thing that, if you pressed a few buttons on the side, tools would pop out. He took the back off and the tools out so we were just left with the top of it – it was the perfect size and – get this – already had the “X” on it, as it was X-Men 2 merchandise! (though it was grey so it had to be painted – look close enough and you can still see the “2” in the middle of the X).

My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July 2006.At SDCC 2006! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July 2006.At SDCC 2006! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Whee! I’m flying. It took forever to get a shot like this, and I look dopey in it, but I got my flying/floating pic so I’m happy. LOL. (oh and look, one of my armbands is escaping!)
Anyway, the yellow part around the “X” was made out of model magic, which I officially hate. I ended up just taping the whole thing to my chest straps, because I couldn’t figure out any other way to get it to stay. It worked fine, regardless (yay toupee tape)

ZAP! Poor AL!
Anyway, it’ll definitely be at Dragoncon, whether our SO X-Men group happens or not.