
I know, I know, I’m so bad running off and hardly updating in ages. I copied some of my pics and convention posts from my livejournal and brought them over here.
As I said there, I’ve basically been out of town every weekend since March – I haven’t been this busy in ages, and I don’t have a free weekend again until mid july! LOL. yep, i’ll be in nashville again this weekend. and you know what? I love it. I’m having the best time.
So if it takes me a while to reply/email back you know why. I’ve still got a ton of emails sitting in both my accounts that need to be answered, I’m trying to chip away at them right now.
Anyway, I tossed the new play poster up on the website tonight – Beauty the Beast. You can read my comments about it there. I’m not crazy about it so I’m not posting it here LOL

now I’m going to attempt to clean my room.