when a security guard got in my face

At Dragoncon, they have, in the past couple of years, had a ban on photography from like, 7-11 (or something like that) at night in the Hyatt. I completely understand their reasons for this (fire marshall – taking pics clogs up the paths too much, and there’s not much room over there).

So I’m fine with the ban, I don’t really care. This year, we just went and hung over the Marriott, which was great because the Marriott is SO much better for hanging out in! More room, more places to sit… I don’t know why the Hyatt is THE place to hang out at night (I guess cause of the bar… the Marriott needs a bar), but this year a lot more people were over the Marriott hanging out and it was a lot of fun! And no photo ban 🙂

So anyway, even without the photo ban I got asked to move by security several times when someone was taking my picture. I’m fine with that, we’ll move over out of the way. Only once did it kinda bug me this year. That would be on Sunday, when a photographer wanted a pic of my Starfire costume just as we came into the Hyatt. It was around 1, 1:30 at the time, well before the photo ban. We came in and moved over to the side out of the way of traffic and I knelt for the picture, and one of the security came over and told us we couldn’t take a picture there. Which again, would have been fine, if he had done it another way. He came over and PUT HIS HAND IN FRONT OF MY FACE. Like, 2 inches away from my face, so the photographers couldn’t take the picture, and told us we couldn’t take pictures.

It wouldn’t have bothered me at all had he just told us to move somewhere else, because maybe we did stand a chance of blocking people there (although at that time of the day, the area was not crowded). I would have gladly moved elsewhere had he just said it. It was the hand in front of my face that ticked me off.

I didn’t really even ever think about it again until this morning. It was bugging me and I wanted to whine about it.