Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, Rebel Leia progress!

For Belle…
I’ve still got to hem the skirt, but I got the overlay finished and I’m about halfway through beading it. I got my shoes and spruced them up a bit, they’re so gaudy they crack me up 😀

Unfortunately this is the only version I have this pic - I deleted the full size version I guess :(But, I've got the skirt nearly finished! Still needs hemmed, and I'm going to do some beading on the overlay | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Tomorrow I’m going to tackle the rest of the skirt, and try to finish the beading so I can go ahead and attach that and get the zipper put in. After that its just the bodice that needs made… I’ve got the pieces cut out, I just need to put them together.
And what is UP with the fabric stores lately… it’s like there’s a freaking ban on yellow material. They had NO yellow lining… and this after I already had trouble finding yellow I liked for Belle and Snow White. I had to settle for an off white lining for Belle. It won’t show so I guess it won’t matter, but still.

For Cinderella…
I got her wig and we trimmed it Saturday night, which was hilarious. I wish I’d been able to find the camera so I could have gotten a picture. Cath wearing that goofy wig, one of her Cinderella gloves, with her t-shirt pulled up over her nose and mouth and screaming while Ash tried to cut the bangs (she wouldn’t let me do it for some reason…) Once I put the blue thread back on I’ll make her headband.
I got the skirt put together, basically… I’ve got to gather the top and put the waistband on. I’ve got the bodice cut out but not put together.
I got her shoes, too… she’s not wearing them, she’s going to carry one of them, because the only “clear” shoes I could find were stilleto, and Cath can’t walk in that. So she’s carrying one as her prop, and wearing different shoes underneath.

For Snow White…
I got her wig today. It’ll do, I guess, I couldn’t find anything I really liked. I got her skirt finished, and I finally got material for her bodice. I thought I could use some leftover material but I didn’t have enough. Also got cape material. I found shoes I like, just need to order them.

For Ash’s costume…
Not much progress has been made. I’ve located a fabric I like, tomorrow I’m going to go buy it. I started on the main piece, but I can’t find a tool I need to continue so until I do it’s just… waiting.

For Leia…
My pants came and are a COMPLETELY different colour than what was shown on the website. I was not happy at ALL… shot off a nasty letter to them :\ I’ve never had trouble viewing colours on my monitor before – I’ve bought plenty of stuff online and it’s the right colour. A shade or two off would have been fine, but on the site they were BLUEISH GREY. What came? Light seaweed GREEN. A completely different colour. I attempted to save them with some dye but in vain… they were only $10 so I’m not out much. I’m not returning them and I’m not ordering from that place again… I’ll just make some myself. *shrug* It’ll be easier that way, I suppose.

For Polychrome…
I bought a little hat. I THINK I can get it done… I don’t think it’ll take long. I haven’t bought any fabric yet, though.

I’ve got some repair stuff to do before Dragoncon, too – I want to re-do part of the Leia skirts on the slave costume, and I need to fix the Starfire collar.

In other news, I just preordered the deluxe Trisha Biggar book… man I can’t wait to see it!!
And a bunch of my pics in my gallery have disappeared… like, all my Shadowcat pics, and some of my Belldandy manga pics… I mean, weird stuff, not like really new or really old stuff, and nothing that could be “inappropriate” – I’m sure it’s just because of the new gallery setup and Admin still trying to get things in order, but I hope they’re not gone forever! It wouldn’t be the end of the world but I would be sad to lose the comments that went with them.