Lum & Lina Inverse updates

Got fabric for Lum and blue fabric for Lina yesterday. Decided not to use the shirt I originally got for it, and to make it.
That’s about it… Ash got her fabric for Skuld, and gloves and such. I also got her a wig for skuld. We originally weren’t going to do that, but I found a good one for a good price, so…  Well, actually when I say good, I mean, good as in long, not good as in good quality. It’s one of those cheap0 60 inch godiva wigs. And it was $10. I’m not expecting much, but it’ll do for this.
Found air tickets for Dragon*con, must buy those. Found a pattern for Ocha’s dress, but haven’t gotten it yet.
Worked on Lum a little last night. Got the top made, and most of the shorts. Just got to do the bootcovers, and if I have enough material left over, armbands.