when i had a photo plan

Hehe! Ash is such a cute little Xiaoyu!

This is her “Look what I can do!” picture.

When my cousin was a senior in high school, that year for Christmas she gave everyone a nice, framed copy of one of her senior pictures. And I mean everyone. We had about three. It was funny that year, because every other gift someone opening that day it was a picture of her. This past year my other cousin did the same thing.

I didn’t do that. We got my senior pictures, I hated them. I’ve always felt sort of bad about that. I feel like I should have done the gift thing, too. No one in the family really has a nice picture of me, and if they do, it’s probably six or more years old.

A couple of weeks ago I thought of something kind of silly. I thought maybe at Dragon*con I could somehow get my picture taken with Mike and Kevin from MST3K, have nice large copies made, put them in pretty little frames and give them to every family member for Christmas. I told my idea to Ash and we thought it would be funny. You know, everyone gets beautiful, professionally done, beautifully framed pictures of my cousins in pretty poses and professional lighting, and as for Kell they get me standing around in a funny costume with some guys from TV.

I was really going to do it. Kristie even said not to buy frames, she had a bunch of extra ones I could use. Then I realised… no one is going to get this joke. No one in my family would know who they are. I’d have to explain it to them!

But! I’m still going to do it, only on a much smaller scale. Two of my aunts, and Ash’s parents. That should do it. Of course, all this depends on whether or not I get to have a picture *crosses fingers*

Oh! I am going to get a nice big print of one of my pictures, put it in a nice little frame and give it to mum when she starts at her new school later this year. Then she’ll have a nice picture of me on her desk. Me as Lulu. Yeah. LOL

Oh, and whoever it was who said I look like evil Willow as Lulu… ha! that’s so cool. Evil Willow is awesome. That’d be a cool costume to do.