2009 Year in Review!

what I finished, what I didn't get to, and 2010... Here's what I said at the end of 2008 that I'd like to do in 09... 1. Finish all those things I said I was going to finish this year, esp. Bespin Leia - HA! nope. 2. Silk Spectre I - yes! 3. Golden Age Black Canary - yes 4. Belle's Ballgown Remake - still no, waiting on Chase to finish Beast. 5. Princess Nuala - nope 6. Dawn ...

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2008 in review

What I accomplished in 2008 (and what I didn't, LOL) Well it was weird year for me, costume-wise, because the first part of the year was eaten by my wedding, both financially and time-wise. I was still attemping to work on stuff - to make things that were easy, or that I already had material for. I think after the wedding and our move after everything kinda got settled I tried ...

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