animal crossing, padme and not much else

I mean I don't think I need to tell you guys how shitty the world is right now so I won't whine here. Let's just jump right into Padme stuff. When I left off last week, I was still trying to disassemble the last bit of the nightgown. Or, I think I'd just finished it? Either way it was in piece or close to being in pieces. Last Monday night ...

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Padme’s Lake Dress Hair

A friend on instagram asked how I did my Padme lake dress hair, and I thought it would be way easier to answer over here where I could type everything out and post pictures easier than trying to type on my phone on instagram. I've never done a full tutorial on how I did this hair, BUT I have drawn a little diagram about it that I've sent to people ...

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Padme, etc

I spent the weekend at my grandma's, avoiding coping, doing some retail therapy and working on some old photos. I've mentioned it before, but I've been working on this project for almost a year now - replacing all my old costume pictures with larger, better versions. It's a long project when you have as my costumes and costume photos as I do. I finally got to one costume I'd been ...

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2006 in review

At the beginning of the year I said I wanted to do: 1. Hoth Leia 2. Darth Vader 3. Padme's Lake dress 4. Bespin Leia 5. Finish Yuuko 6. Padme's Funeral Dress 7. Wonder Woman 8. The Bride 9. White Witch 10. Dorothy 11. ANH Leia 12. Team Zissou outfit So what did I finish? Hoth Leia? Yes, plus Bespin Escape: Darth Vader? Yes: Padme Lake Dress? Yes, twice!: Bespin Leia? Nope. Bought the materials, haven't touched them. Finish Yuuko? Somewhat - ...

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Dragoncon 2006 wrap-up: everything else

All the non-new costumes, and how the held up. I wore classic Leia friday morning at the RL table. That was fun! I had planned on doing that last year, but ended up wearing the metal bikini instead. Got pics with PsychoShinji... yay! I missed her when she was in Robin and I was in Starfire last year. I also got pics with WF&DT! He makes such a ...

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Dragoncon2006: Saturday pics!

Saturday morning was the parade! I had to iron that monster of my lake dress, and we didn't really get my hair on right - we were in a hurry because we were running late! Neither of us went to the 501st pic, but by the time we got to the staging area, the parade was just starting, so that was lucky! Since the Rebel Legion and 501st march last, ...

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Mando updates, and SDCC pics

When you starting dreaming about your costume to-do lists.... well, it's just plain silly. Yesterday I focused on stamping and almooooost got the thing done. Chase still won't let me show the secret. But here's a few other pics I took over the weekend. Stitch's nose fell off after the Big Scoop. It was inevitable, it had just barely been hanging on for a while. Easily fixable. My main point ...

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Padme Lake dress wrap-up

Whew! A quick trip down memory lane. My first & second versions, in 2002 for Dragoncon, and 2006 for MidSouthcon: My first version, I still very much love it and wouldn't get rid of it for anything, but as time went by I realised more and more how inaccurate it is, and really wanted to remake it properly one day. But alas, alas, I still wasn't happy with the second version. It ...

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Finished Costume: Padme’s Lake Dress

I've finished my Padme lake gown (3rd version!) and have added it to my portfolio!

Hello from Comic Con 2006! (Again)

For the first time ever... I got called "Vader" while wearing ANH Leia today. I'm about to go upload a few more pics - just the ones from yesterday morning - in my flickr account (see the link in my previous entry). I'll work on some more of them tomorrow. Yesterday morning I wore the new Lake dress... it went well. We did the RL breakfast and photoshoot, that was ...

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