2008 in review

What I accomplished in 2008 (and what I didn't, LOL) Well it was weird year for me, costume-wise, because the first part of the year was eaten by my wedding, both financially and time-wise. I was still attemping to work on stuff - to make things that were easy, or that I already had material for. I think after the wedding and our move after everything kinda got settled I tried ...

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Starfire, Glinda, Ame-Comi WW Pics

I took a few pics of things before I went to work this morning. My Starfire suit, just pinned on the dressform since I can't put it on there. Doesn't look that great pinned on, oh well, you get the idea anyway. The only part on this piece that's not finished is the front section - that will be attached to my undersuit, so I'm waiting to finish that part ...

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2 weeks til Dcon!

I need to take some progress pictures, just haven't felt like it. I took apart Chase's tunic today and replaced the front panel that I ripped. I used the ripped front as a lining for it, so in the end it was a good thing, I guess. I decided not to use the fabric I got for my WW bottom - I pulled out the other fabric I had and ...

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glinda progress

I finished the dress yesterday, outside of ironing it. it gave me some fits yesterday... my sewing machine did NOT like sewing through all of the layers of the top of the dress, plus it kept trying to eat the fabric. blargh. I hope to finish the wig tonight... Chase has been working on the crown, I don't think there's much left to do on it, either.

gah…various costume progress

I didn't do ANYTHING last night - I poked around my WW bodice and the Starfire suit, but didn't really DO anything. Watched Project Runway and got over my headache. I should be getting an integral part of Starfire - hopefully Saturday, if not, then on Monday. And then major parts of my WW costume middle of next week. Having those things will help things fall into place. Tonight it's ...

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christmas in july

It's been like Christmas the past two days, with all the packages I've been getting in the mail. I've been trying to get as many of my materials for my Dcon costumes -- so I've ordered a lot of things the past few days. I got my bodysuit for Starfire, which means I can get started on that! I got the fabric for my WW bodice. I LOVE it. Very ...

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Glinda and Padme Snowbunny updates

I've just about finished the snowbunny cape - I need to add the ties, the toppers for the boots and gloves, and fix my belt... please ignore the fact I'm in my pajamas LOL I got the glinda underdress dyed and dried and pinned on -- unfortunately it doesn't show up AT ALL once the outer dress is over it. Oh well - if the underdress shows while I walk ...

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Snowbunny and Glinda progress

I finished the basic cape for Snowbunny Padme friday - went home today and found my trim and started sewing it on tonight. Unfortunately I ran out of thread about half way through! Stupid tiny travel sewing kits. I've got about a foot of it pinned on, so despite the pic below it's not as done as I'd like. Chase is bringing me some more when he gets here later ...

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fabric shopping!

Went to the fabric store last night, it was a successful trip! I got the lining for the snowbunny cape, the yellow satin I need for the "special" belle. I got my pattern for the wonder woman bodice. But best of all I found fabric for Glinda that I just squealed when I saw it. At first I thought there wasn't enough on the bolt - I wanted 10 yards - ...

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So, Dragoncon Plans

Starfire - I got my wig, I need to start working on it - unfortunately my wighead clamp doesn't fit on any of our new counters or tables! D: Hopefully it will fit on the new work table I get pretty soon. I've got my fabric, and I got my boots in the mail today. I order the bodysuit... and Chase has been working on the gauntlets. I'm excited. WW ...

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