my brain doesn’t work

I swear my brain has just ceased all function since starting to work from home. My days are all mixed up. My weeks are all mixed up. How is Christmas in 2 weeks? WTF. I haven't bought any presents at all. I haven't hardly thought about it. What is happening?!?! I am in a constant bubble of confusion. And work has been crazy the last week because my email was down ...

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that girl sheds like a labrador

THE PLAY IS OVER! It was really fun but I'm glad it's over! I totally stole the pic in my blog header because it was a great pic of the whole cast showing the whole stage. Program cover which I drew in case you couldn't tell. I had about 30 seconds of time onstage where I needed to look like I was doing something while sitting in a chair, so I ...

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incoherent screaming

Oh my GOSh I have so much to post about since last week. SO I have posted about this on social media at all because I DON'T WANT TO JINX IT. But we saw a house last Wednesday and loooooooooooooooooved it. We made an offer on Thursday. They countered on Friday and Friday evening we accepted their counter. So we are officially under contract for a new house. Closing is ...

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all the things

I've basically got 2 weeks worth of stuff to post today. So hold onto your butts, it's going to be a long post! Let's separate this into topics. 1. Las Vegas So last week was Vegas for work. I didn't think I was going to have to do this show again but it got pulled together kinda at the last minute so there I was again. I was up at 5:30 Monday morning ...

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the final frontier

We're past the halfway point in the first season in our Star Trek TNG watch/rewatch! (rewatch for me - watch for Chase) I'm enjoying it sooo much. And Chase is too which is making me really happy!! So anyway. I think this week I'll start with sewing. So last week I left off not being able to decide between the fully gathered panel or just doing half of it. ...

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in which I have a birthday and suddenly have a new costume to make

Thursday was my birthday! And it was a rather important birthday in relation to my blog -- this is the 20th birthday I've blogged about here. And funnily enough, I celebrated this birthday the exact same way I celebrated it in 1998 - we went to Molly's with my family and we sat in the exact same place and they brought out a birthday dessert and everybody sang and it was ...

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