imagine a world where time has no meaning

because that is the world I am living in. It's like time stopped in March and there is nothing to delineate the days from each other except some days I have to sit at a work computer in one room and some days I lay on the couch with my switch. Like I go outside and it's like... how is it 90 degrees? It was just March and still cold out. ...

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Dressform Pics

Here's everything so far. I'm only missing 3 actually so maybe I should have waited, but our server is down at work and I'm bored. Belldandy and Urd from 2003 and 2002, respectively. These two costumes have really stood the test of time. I knew Belldandy was in good shape since I wore her to Momocon earlier this year, but Urd has been packed in a bag for several years. The cape's a ...

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A few more Momocon pics

Here's a few more pictures that I didn't have uploaded yet when I posted last. Kevin's absolutely epic take on the classic "help I'm falling down the Marriott" photo: I loooooooooove these photos of my Belldandy Chase took. I TRIED to be good and wear sandals with Belldandy (I've gotten in trouble with hotels for not wearing shoes with it). But as you can see in this photo, they didn't ...

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Momocon Pics – Round 1

Here's the pics from my camera and my phone, and a handful from Chase - haven't gotten all of his uploaded yet. We had a fantastic time! It was definitely a different crowd than we're used to at a convention, but Kevin was in Kevin Heaven. We were up before the sun on Friday and the trip in went really fast. We made a pitstop at the Engineer Guy for ...

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Belldandy Photos

Last set of new photos - Belldandy has been updated!


I woke up this morning feeling GREAT! Now I'm back to feeling sluggish and tired with a slight headache. Stupid schizo weather. I've GOT to get my sewing room finished tonight so I can get some sewing done ASAP - I've got a couple of American Girl doll sized costumes to make before this weekend. Which means I probably won't get around to posting photoshoot pics until after that - ...

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Old pics part 2

A couple of old pics! vroom vroom... I will stab you... Winning a Frodo statue at Dcon 2003...

A-Kon 2005 Pics & SDCC Plans!

First off - I actually won the Amidala Look a Like Contest at Cosplaylab. I couldn't believe it, there were so many good entries, and people I knew - I was hoping to get maybe honorable mention, but - yay! It made my weekend. SO I didn't get Yuuko *completely* finished - I'm going to get it finished for MTAC next year. I didn't attach the sleeves to the bodice, ...

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when i was in a belldandy contest

dood I know I've been dead lately. things have been soooooooo hectic. I leave for paris in a week! geebus. but anyway, I wanted to say if you're a member of cosplaylab, you should vote in the belldandy look-a-like contest, because I'm in it and I'm up against some awesome Belldandys!!

when i had a pattern

Moose - it's Butterick Classics 4301. It's been over a year since I bought that pattern - it may have been discontinued or something by now....