Dragoncon costume updates

Everything i'm doing for Dragoncon is still so up in the air. We're trying to buy a house soon - like, very soon, by the end of July soon LOL I've been working as much as I can, but it's been difficult, we've been stuck house-sitting for almost 3 weeks, which has been a pain considering we need to be packing and everytime I try to sew, I get a ways ...

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Some Anne Boleyn progress

So we're house sitting... which usually means I'm not able to work on anything - but I brought my sewing machine with me so I've actually been accomplishing stuff! The skirt is horribly wrinkled from being carted around, and still just pinned together. But I got my bum roll, and that's the start of the corset. Hoping to finish up the corset very soon so I can start on the ...

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Huntress & Anne Boleyn updates

I have been working tho! I decided to move one of my dragoncon-possibles up and finish it for superman celebration in metropolis. I'm using Bruce Timm artwork as my main reference. After coming up with a mock-up weekend before last, I put this together with my real fabric: the other day I was to this point: Since then I've gotten all that white that was pinned on sewn on. I've ...

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2007 in review

Well since I'm mostly done for the year - outside of my little secret project - I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I've had it done for a while actually LOL At the beginning of the year, this is what I wanted to accomplish... keeping in mind that when I wrote this, Chase hadn't proposed yet and changed a lot of our plans for the year!! 1. Ceremonial Leia v.2 ...

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