trial by fire.. and more Alyss updates

I woke up in the middle of the night because my head was hurting. I couldn't decide if it was just one of those little headaches I tend to get at night (and go away when I get up in the morning), or the beginnings of a migraine. I went back to sleep and kept waking up with my head still hurting. I was worried about taking one of my ...

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Alyss ruffles, migraines, etc

firstly, sewing updates! This is Surprise #1. I have pinned, re-pinned and re-re-pinned those ruffles so many times. I've got to make a few more, and then some smaller different shaped ones. Haven't attached the collar piece yet, it's just pinned on. once i have them all made they get thrown in the dye. So anyway, yesterday I had my doctor's appt about my migraines. My 3rd time trying to get ...

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it’s friday: Alyss and Supergirl updates

last night's viewing: mst3k, Laserblast! I dug around looking for various bits and bobbles but couldn't find what I was looking for at all. :( I pulled out Surprise #1 again, got the zipper put in and the sleeves finished and on. Now! I've got previews of both Surprise #1 and Surprise #2. #1 is on the left, #2 is on the right. #2 is not staying like that, as sad as it makes me, because ...

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state of affairs: Dcon2010 costumes

A little update on, well, everything. Lady Gaga: Haven't touched it, needing more fabric. I did get my shoes. I need to order fabric for the bodysuit, and also my wigs. This one still has the most work left on it. I'd say it's at 20% Black Widow: Got my wig, wristbands are nearly done, need to put my belt together. I'd say it's at 75% Surprise #1: Been making ruffles. Need to ...

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costume catch up

So I posted my Dragoncon list the other day but didn't really go over it. I thought I'd post it again and update each. 1. Lady Gaga I've got the top basically made. I've got the organza cut to cover it, but haven't put it on yet - I'm worried I might run out since I'm using the same organza on costume #3, and if I do I don't want to end ...

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today’s princess… Padme Robe

Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I was exhausted! It's "No Kevin Week" at work - he's at camp, so we're having to do his job. Boy do you appreciate all the hard work he does when he's not there! I came home and went to sleep... then woke up and made some ruffles. More on that later. I had this done sunday night and meant to post it yesterday. Sorry! :( ...

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I found it!!

I found the costume that's been missing from my Dragoncon line up!! It's something I wanted to make like 2 years ago, but forgot all about until tonight. I'm super excited about it, it brings my costume list a sort of balance I think it needed. So I'm dropping Anne Boleyn in favour of this costume. And if I have to drop something like Batgirl to do it, though it makes ...

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