Padme – Star Wars (Lake Gown – 3rd Version)

Made for: San Diego Comic Con 2006

Background: I still wasn’t satisfied with the version I made in March 2006 – I decided to sell it and start over.

Journal Entries: Read more at my Padme Lake Dress #3 tag

Related Costumes: Padme Lake Dress 2019, Padme Lake Dress 2008, Padme Lake Dress March 2006, Padme Lake Dress 2002, Padme Lake Dress Disneybound

Patterns Used:
Vogue 7797 (altered)


I used the same pattern for the underdress that I used in my earlier version – only I made it longer and fuller. I also made it out of spandex this time – a little heavier than it should probably be but comfortable and I liked the drape. It got dyed before adding anything else – I just dip-dyed it in the sink.


I made a mock-up from some cheap fabric, got it shaped the way I wanted, then used that as a pattern to cut out my real fabric (a silk blend). After getting those pieces cut, hemmed and attached, I gathered the sleeves, and attached some form-fitting spandex sleeves underneath to keep them in place. Then that was dip-dyed.
I did omit the satin edging from this version (finally added it to my 2008 version), back then I didn’t like how that looked and left it off versions 1-3. I finally made myself do it for 4 and 5 and I did end up liking it in the end!


All of my accessories were from my earlier version, except that I made a new little jewelry piece for the tie on the front.


I did love this version but I remade it again in 2008 and 2019 – the original panels leftover from this version eventually became a disneybound shawl.

Lake Dress v. 3.0 Muslin Base Lake dress IMG_1677 Lake Dress version 3.0 IMG_1782

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.