Scarlet Witch – Disneybound version
Made for: Disney Trip 2024
Background: I needed a Scarlet Witch outfit for our trip for a group!
Journal Entries: Read more at my Scarlet Witch disneybound tag
Related Costumes: Wandavision Scarlet Witch, Comic Scarlet Witch
Patterns Used: Kwiksew 2004
I had no plans to make a Scarlet Witch disneybound outfit, until I got called up to put together an outfit for a group for our disney trip — for the bachelorette night, all of us girls were going to dress as Disney villains to surprise the bride (Cath!). I wanted to do something I already had parts and accessories for, so I chose Scarlet Witch, even though you can argue about her being a disney villain or not. It was the easiest option for me!
And originally, I was going to just wear a black dress I already had with my crown, and buy or make like a red shrug or something to go with it. But after looking at my black dress options I decided they were all a little too formal looking so I started shopping for something more specific and more casual. I looked at the Her Universe dress and just… didn’t feel like paying $50+ with shipping for it, because I knew I’d never wear it again.
And then… we got snowed in. For a whole week. All the shipments I was waiting on for my other current sewing projects couldn’t be delivered. So I started digging around in my fabric stash to see what I could come up.
The Fabric:
I ended up having 3 yards of the Yaya Han “hex” fabric I’d used for my Scarlet Witch costume (the pants mostly) and I decided that was more than enough to make a little simple skater dress, surely. I found some red double ponte knit fabric leftover from Seven of Nine to do the front panel and hip panels.
The Construction:
So on a Friday night, I pulled out my favourite leotard pattern, Kwiksew 2004 to use as a base. Got the top portion cut and assembled, then cut out the skirt panels – I knew the leotard pattern skirt was pretty short, so I cut them as long as my fabric remaining would allow, and decided I’d just shorten as needed later.
Also that same night, I got patterns made for the front/collar panel and the hip panels. I got those cut out of the red fabric – then decided I wanted to do a little more than just the red fabric. Decided I’d cut the front panel piece in half and do another layer out of the black hex fabric, so I got that cut out too. Then decided I would really like a darker red in there, and dug around in my fabric again — and luckily I still had some scraps of the dark red spandex i used for the trim on the Scarlet Witch costume, so I threw that in there too!
Saturday I got each individual piece of the front panel pieces sewn up, pressed and then basted all the layers together. Then ran that thru the sewing machine. It’s far from perfect — it’s a little wobbly and uneven in some places – but it’s fine for something fun.
Got that sewn onto the top, got the arm holes hemmed (just turned and sewn down, no facings or linings here). Then onto the hip panels and since I did so much on the front panel the hip panels needed some extra love too. So I made more pieces for the hip panels out of the leftover fabrics too. Again it’s not perfect, there’s a couple of places where the folded over fabric flipped up and didn’t get caught by the needle. Any other project I’d go back and fix that, but again this is just for fun, so I fixed what I easily could but didn’t stress over it.
Got the hip panels sewn to the top and that was Saturday.
Sunday morning back at it – got the skirt sewn on. Ended up repositioning it so it sat at my natural waist line at the sides instead of just below. The hip panels are causing the waist seam to sit a little funny in the back but again – not something I’m going to stress over.
Then I marked the skirt for hemming and cut off the excess. It did end up a little shorter than I planned – even though I cut an inch below where I’d marked! LOL So instead of folding it up to hem, I cut a strip off the excess, sewed that onto the edge, and then folded that up and sewed it in place, basically like a bias tape hem but with the same fabric. It made the skirt edges a little stiffer than I thought they’d be but I loved the look, it looks like a Sailor Moon skirt!
So since it’s a little shorter than I planned, I got some black shorts to wear under it to be safe (with pockets!). I wore it with my existing crown and black boots.
After having it all on together on the cruise, I do wish I’d made gloves or sleeves. It just feels like it’s missing it. So if/when I wear this to WDW, I’ll add sleeves or fingerless gloves. I think maybe some 3/4 length sleeves would be cute? I have enough of the hex fabric to do it.
December 2024 UPDATE:
I did add sleeves before we did the white backdrop photoshoot and I feel like it makes it look more complete! Thankfully I did indeed have plenty of fabric to cut sleeves.
It’s not perfect, but it’s fun for an easy little disneybound outfit made in a weekend.
Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.