when i redid my livejournal

So I totally change my livejournal the other day. New header pic, new name, new colours and new userinfo LOL. The pic (and the new name) is of my dad's first band. I thought it was one of the best pics I've ever seen. I'm on dad's computer right now, since my wireless is still not working. I'm waiting on Chase to finish getting ready so we can go - ...

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when i had my teeth cleaned

I had a teeth cleaning today at the dentist. My teeth hurt so bad ;_; I HATE cleanings, they are like 10x worse than anything else. I'd rather go through wisdom teeth or anything other than that. I wish they'd let me have the laughing gas during the cleaning... :(

when my laptop sucked

My computer is the biggest POS in the world! 1. The fans don't work, so it can't cool itself off. I have to keep ice packs in the freezer for when it starts getting hot. 2. If I do anything major - ie, big file in photoshop, or something "difficult" on the internet (like flickr's organizr), my computer will flip out and just shut down. It reminds me of a big baby ...

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when i was disconcerted

I slept SO hard last night. I woke up at 8:30 and was all disconcerted. I woke up and was like, WHERE IS CHASE WHY DIDNT HE WAKE ME UP HE KNOWS I HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 9! and then I realised DUH.... Chase is at WORK already like ALWAYS... and I don't have to be at work til 10 on fridays. I was so confused.

when the day was crazy

Yesterday was madness. First off, I was trying to get to work by no later than 9:30 (I usually get there at 10). Went out to my car, and it wouldn't start. Luckily mum is on summer break, so she was home. I woke her up and she came out and tried to jump my car. Didn't work. We kept trying, it was hot and icky and buggy outside, and after about 20 ...

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when i couldn’t sleep so i did a budget

It's 4am and I can't sleep...I don't know how long I've been awake for, I think since around 2. For some reason I'm kinda hungry, though I have no reason to be. My mind just won't stop thinking! I keep thinking about everything we still need to book and pay for for the wedding. It's got me really worried tonight. I got up and came into the kitchen to write ...

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when i saw TUMS backwards

Hahaha I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and I noticed my bottle of Tums on the counter... and thanks to the mirror, I now realise TUMS backwards is SMUT... LMAO

when we saw a 3 hour long pirate movie

I felt fine before going to the doctor yesterday. Yesterday afternoon afterwards, started feeling icky and weird. Still do. It's just like when the doctor asks if your throat hurts, you say no, then he sticks that stupid stick down your throat to look, and after that your throat hurts. I'm always like, "trashball, it was fine before you stuck that stick down my throat" I don't feel sick necessarily. ...

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