i’ve achieved a state of clear

It feels really good to be almost done with 6 new costumes + soft parts for 2 costumes for Chase nearly a month before Dragoncon. Ok so I'm just gonna go through my pics in order. We finally made our own badge ribbons to hand out this year! Obviously I'll be handing out the Space Bun Club ribbons LOL And Chase will have the Laszlo ones. Got out the wig I bought for ...

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all work and no play

I feel like I didn't get much done last week, but then I look back at where I was last week and realize... I did get a lot done. I finished up Bail. I didn't like the trim I bought for the neckline, so I made some out of leftover Vader pleather. Also added some elastic loops to the bottom right edge that the belt with thread through, to keep ...

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Yes, we took Saturday off costume work and did a double feature. We started with breakfast at the Liquor Store: Then off to see Oppenheimer on the imax: Chase got a leg cramp right as they were starting the Trinity test. He had to awkwardly try to get out of the aisle, then was stuck standing in the hall for the rest of the movie because of the cramp. I ...

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the truth is out there

Did I mention before I'm doing an X-Files rewatch? I was going to watch all of Voyager after finishing TOS, but instead I got sucked into one of my OG fandoms. Fond memories of scouring the 90s internet for X-Files fanfics... Oh and did I mention I'm doing a Scully costume for Dragoncon? LOL Just a cheap quick thing. Using my Diane skirt, buying a blazer. I went ahead and ...

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these violent delights

Let's start out with Seven progress this week because looking back at my last post... dang I finished a lot since then! It didn't feel like that much but it was. I did finish getting all of the HTV sewn on and FINALLY got to start sewing everything together. The back panel It took me a minute to remember how the sleeves worked on the TNG uniform -- the yoke ...

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a whole lotta nothing

I don't have much of anything to post this week. Spent most of the last week trying to get the HTV for the Seven yoke to work. Basically everytime we'd do a test it'd come out backwards. Chase was definitely sending it mirrored - backwards. Then not mirrored - backwards. We'd finally get a test square that was right, go to print a full page of that - backwards. We ...

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Bespin Leia cost breakdown

So I posted a silly video on my tiktok yesterday about why I don't do commissions and I used Bespin Leia as an example of an incredibly in-depth costume project that I'd NEVER EVER do on commission - I mean, I'm not gonna do anything on commission but in particular THAT ONE - mostly because 95% of people who ask about something like that don't understand how much it would cost ...

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hurricane elvis round 2

We had a big storm move through last night. It didn't last all that long but was pretty intense. Power dimmed a few times but we never lost it completely. So we didn't think it was that bad. Waking up this morning to most of the city still without power (and the power company saying it's gonna be a few days to get everyone restored), tons of damage - Chase ...

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the final frontier

So I know it probably doesn't look like I got a ton done this past week based on how few pics I have to post this week... but I did! It just wasn't on the exact things I wanted to work on LOL I ended up getting stuck on the Breha vinyl pretty much the whole week. Didn't start legitimately printing them until late Saturday. So in the meantime I ...

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its boots day

Last part of my Nadja costume arrives today - my boots! Yay! I could finish Nadja in a couple of hours at this point - 1. Finish and sew on sash 2. Sew on hook and eye at back 3. Sew hat onto the headband But I'm now knees-deep in Breha construction so it'll wait. My goal is to have Breha done in the next 2 weeks - and then spend the last week ...

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