fre sh vac a do

So this weekend I realized just HOW MUCH there is left to do on our house to at least get it to a state of "finished"! OMG. 2 weeks from yesterday we'll be having a bridal shower at our house (YAY) and then a week and a half after that Chase's brother Scott is coming down to visit for a week (YAY)! Ok I initially typed out this giant block of ...

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Dragoncon 2019 State of the Union

It's the rare second post in a week but I decided it was time to do a big ole' Dragoncon post so it's not taking up room in my next weekly post. 1. Dr Crusher! NEW and almost done! YAY! Seriously I got my lab coat material yesterday, it looked great, no need for dye, got it washed and dried and got it about halfway assembled last night. Should be able ...

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i need a bat box

We did some yardwork yesterday morning and I got absolutely eaten alive by mosquitos. I've been wanting to get a Bat Box for YEARS and now that we're in this new house where we have to do a bit more yard upkeep, I gotta have it! I need some bats to move in and eat all these mosquitos. I was miserable itching all night, on top of having ANOTHER migraine. ...

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Art is… a rambo

I had sinus stuff all last week (with accompanying sinus headaches) which transitioned into a migraine on thursday and then I had a migraine all weekend, bad enough on Saturday that I laid on the couch nauseated and feeling awful a good portion of the day. Every once in a while my medicine would kick in and I'd be able to go do something but then it'd stop working and ...

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the saga continues

So my big plans for sewing all weekend and getting lots of stuff done were foiled by fabric! Namely by the fact I can't buy/find the fabric I need locally anymore EVER (*cough*Joann*cough*) so I have to buy online and hope what comes is what I need - either that or pay, wait 2 weeks on a fabric swatch, go back, buy fabric, wait another week on fabric ...

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our watch has ended

Well mine never started because I didn't even watch last night's GOT finale. I haven't really watched much of GOT the last 2-3 seasons? And for this last season I got spoiled so didn't feel like watching it. Well, I got partially spoiled, then dived on into full spoilers because why not. LOL. But I keep seeing people talk about Sansa's costumes from the finale and I want to see ...

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I wonder if anybody would notice…

...if I just crawled under my desk and took a nap? What is it like not feel tired? I honestly wonder. I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired. OK! So anyway. I have pics from the Belle shoot and also the symphony from last weekend to finally post, but first let me get through last week's sewing updates and the weekend and all that. First up, new pins! ...

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its a bittersweet symphony

I don't have a ton to post about this week! Didn't do much last week other than go to work. Saw Endgame again Wednesday afternoon. I had a migraine Tues-Thurs so it was a struggle to make myself go sew or do anything. I did get the yoke for Jedi Leia version 2 assembled. Here's the outer grey piece and the lining/batting piece laid out. I actually got pretty close ...

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crazy train

I'm honestly very surprised I didn't already have a blog post called "crazy train" considering how often we used to sing it at my old job. But I didn't! This weekend was CHOCK FULL OF EVERYTHING! First up, let's look at some sewing stuff. Last week I mostly focused on jedi Leia. My suede came in on tuesday so I jumped into making the yoke immediately. Cut out using the ...

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hello good peoples

Seasonal allergies can DIAF. I took a benedryl last night before bed and this morning my eyes are still itching like crazy, it's driving me mad. Anyway. Let's talk sewing since that's the first thing in my pics for today. Last Monday I got home from work to a happy mail day! Star Trek TNG uniform pattern! WOO White knit for jedi Leia! But I wasn't super stoked about the ...

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