Somebody pointed out that you can sing “2022” to the beginning bit of the Scooby Doo theme song and that’s all I can think of.
Not really a lot to share today because I spent most of the long weekend putting up christmas (or, taking it upstairs at least), cleaning the house, my sewing room, etc.
Thursday night we did the last photoshoot for the year. I was going to shoot 4 costumes but ended up only doing 3 – I skipped the Bespin Leia reshoot. I have 3 Leias I want to reshoot (Bespin, Jedi, and TFA Blue Dress) so I decided I’d do them together some other time.
Of course Friday night we had Hamilton! The earliest we could pick-up the tickets was 5:30, so we planned to go eat before that, pick up the tickets at 5:30 on the dot, and then go get drinks somewhere. We decided if we left at 4 that would give us enough time to sit down and eat somewhere. Well we ended up not leaving the house til 4:20 so we didn’t have a lot of time to eat and ended up just stopping at Molly’s which was JUST fine with me, good and quick (despite some very loud sloppy drunk people across from us and some awkward rude people next to us). We got down to the theater at 5:30 on the dot and Chase dropped me off to get the tickets. Our tickets ended up being on the 6th row! It was all the way to one side but still! I don’t think I’ve ever sat that close at the orpheum.

So then we just kinda wasted a half hour driving around downtown and looking at things until the valet parking opened at 6. Dropped the car off and walked to the hotel behind the theater to check out its bar. As we walked by the stage door Chase noticed a friend talking to some folks and stopped to say hi, turned out to be some of the cast. Chase got to elbow bump George Washington and we got to tell him to break a leg as he headed back in, so that was cool. Then we had had a drink at the bar and felt like we were on a fancy movie set LOL.

View from our seats!
Apparently there was some question as to whether the show would go on, but it did and it was great. The crowd was really into it. We had a great cast. It was so cool to see it on stage finally.

Afterwards we headed to mcDonald’s for a late night fry run and made it home just in time for midnight LOL.
Saturday I took down Christmas. I usually like to leave it up a bit longer but the house felt really messy and I was ready to do a good clean. So we took everything down but haven’t quite put it away yet – it’s all packed away and waiting on the upstairs catwalk to actually be PUT away. I want to clean out what is still in the holiday closet before I put Christmas back in there.
I also cleaned up my sewing room finally.

I think i said it last week but having the white backdrop and all the lights set up in my sewing room for over a month was driving me crazy. It was so messy and I felt so cramped like I couldn’t do anything in there. I cleaned it all up and FINALLY vacuumed. First time since right before Dragoncon. Here’s what happened last time I vacuumed. The vacuum cleaner started smoking – I KILLED IT. We had to buy a new one.
So then I was gunshy about vacuuming again. I did get the long handled lint roller which has been great for picking up the worst of it but it fills up so fast, it takes like 5-6 sheets to get the main area “decent” looking. And I finally ran out of sheets and need to get a new roll. So I finally got the new vacuum out and did my sewing room and it felt SO GOOD to have a completely clean floor.
The past 2 weeks we’ve had really nice weather. All the way up til Saturday it was in the 70s. Then Saturday night the temps plummeted and it SNOWED Sunday.

I did get my Tree of Gondor flag outside though.
Look how cozy the patio looks with the snow outside.

I really wish I was better at keeping plants alive because it would look so good with some greenery. Maybe I’ll get a few fake plants. Don’t want a ton because then you have to dust them LOL. But some greenery and I think a rug would make it extra cozy.
With my sewing room cleaned up I finally got back to Utena on Sunday. I went to put it on so I could mark the hook and eye placement and…

I broke the zipper ARGH.
Thankfully that zipper came in a 2 pack so last night I removed the busted zipper and installed the other one. Let’s hope it doesn’t break too.

I also got the faux pockets made, just need to sew them on.
So that just leaves the outside closure, the buttons and the red stripe at the bust. Going to try to do that tonight. I ordered new shoes, once they’re here I can probably knock them out in a night. My bullion trim for the shoulder epaulets arrived Sunday so those are ready once the 3d printed shoulder pieces have been tweaked.
I still haven’t even shopped for a wig. I guess I should do that.
And I just went away from this post for an hour and bought a wig. So yay I guess LOL.
Anyway, Sunday night we had family game night. We played “Beer Pong” but without beer, the cups all had gift cards and prizes in them. NICE! I didn’t take any pics but I did have video of Kevin I wanted to share – but I can’t get it to fit here, it’s only giving me massive sharing options. On his like 2nd or 3rd toss he totally missed… the ball bounced away from the cups but then somehow bounced back and INTO one of the cups. The crowd went wild!
I was off yesterday for New Year’s Day (since it fell on a weekend) but Chase had to work, so I mostly focused on cleaning. Did some laundry, cleaned out some drawers, ran the roomba, reorganized the kitchen cabinets where we keep cups — took pics of the Frank Lloyd Wright cups my parents got us for Christmas:

Also Ash is in Disney World this week and I’m jealous and living vicariously through photos. I wanted to put in my vacay today for the rest of the year (disney and dragoncon) but it hasn’t rolled over yet which is weird. I’ll try again later…
Oh! I nearly forgot! New photoshoot pics!
Raddus Leia:

And Rose Tyler:

I haven’t uploaded the Mothman photos yet.