More Johanna progress… sort of… not really

I’ve been making a corset and another little Elsa American Girl doll, so I haven’t really messed with Johanna except to pin down some pleats a little more correctly to get a better idea.

Playing with pleats. Just seeing how it was going to look over the top of the base dress, and trying to decide if I needed to dye it (I did) | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I’m liking it!

Remember how I said I liked the base fabric? I may have to revise that opinion. When I bought, I thought the inside was the outside. I didn’t at the REAL right side til I got home and unfolded – it’s got a metallic look to it, which I rather like and I like in that (non flash) photo above.
HOWEVER… when I took the same photo with the flash, this is what I got…

This is why I decided not to use the metallic side of the fabric. I redid it using the wrong side so no shine when hit with a | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

…and suddenly it turns into your grandma’s fancy pants-suit she wore to your cousin’s wedding.
I’m not worried about it. I was trying to figure out a way it WOULDN’T all be covered up – but now I’ll just cover it all up with the chiffon/”bark” and I won’t have to worry about it. I may flip the bodice/skirt pieces around so the metallic is on the inside as well, so it’s not shining through my chiffon.
Speaking of which, I need more chiffon – I got all they had at one Joann’s, I need to hit up the other and see if they have more – if not, I still have my receipt and hopefully they can order some.