story of my life

My (old) job, for a long time now, was like reliving the beginning of Rumplestiltskin over and over again. I've felt like the miller's daughter, being locked in a room with piles and piles of straw and told to turn it into gold. And everyday, by hook or by crook, I managed to get it done. I went home tired, sore, and frustrated every single day. And then the next ...

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Reworking Dr Forrester

I pulled Dr Forrester out today to rework it for GMX. This was it originally, last year for Halloween: I just made it very quickly and straight off the pattern, so it was too big. Which was fine for something fun and comfortable for work, but I wanted to rework parts of it to wear to a con. I added some darts to the front and back, took up the ...

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FAQ Friday: Costume Contests

Today's question is... Have you ever competed in a masquerade? How many costume contests have you won? I used to, a lot! When I first started out, back in the early days, it was sort-of expected of you - it’s where you showed off your latest and best costume. After a few years I realized, I don’t really enjoy this. So I stopped. I occasionally enter contests, but ...

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Fluttershy and Romana II Photos

Here's some new shots of my Fluttershy and Romana II costumes...! My Fluttershy shots were much needed. I only had a handful from Dragoncon and none by myself. And the Romana II pics too: My portfolio's been updated with these and the rest are over at my flickr account.

Dragoncon Room Got

Booked our Marriott room for Dragoncon 2014 way too easily this morning. Am extremely suspicious.

FAQ Friday: Most difficult costumes

Today's question is... What was the most difficult costume to make? What was the most difficult costume to wear? To make, I’d say Yuuko – and you’d probably say, huh?! Because who would think my answer would be Yuuko. It was just one of those projects that was problem after problem to the point that by the end, I was like, “screw it, I’m done with this, I ...

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Yay! It's October! I've been using that gif everywhere.

Why white?

I've had a few people ask me over the past few years why I shoot my costumes on a white backdrop. Well, let me back up for a second and kinda go off topic; I've had people ask why I photoshop the background out of my costume pictures before. I don't, they're shot on a white backdrop as can be seen here! Now back on topic, why I shoot my ...

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I gave my two weeks notice yesterday. Starting my new job Oct 15. Not going to say much more about it right now. Just I'm super super excited. It's a little paycut and I won't have as much PTO (I've been at my old job for 11 years. I had a butt-ton of PTO) so it's a completely new start, it's worth it to me. It doesn't change up our GMX plans ...

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