2005 Year in Review!

I ran across my original 2005 costume list on the Jedi Council boards, did I get it all done? I said I'd do: -Padme ep 1 Parade gown Done! Besides the Princesses, this was my biggest project of the year, and the one I worked on longest. I'm still quite proud of it -Qui-Gon Jinn for my father Done! It wasn't perfect, far from it, but everyone recognized him as Qui-Gon. I ...

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Amidala Shoes, Parasol, Progress & Plans

I've actually been working on stuff! Yay, me. I finally got the serger correctly threaded to do the rolled edges for the petals, and have since made about 30 petals... and it was SO FAST!! *_* It would have taken me Iforever/I to do it on the regular sewing machine. I think I'm in love, haha. I painted my shoes for Padme - I wasn't going to, they were ok looking, ...

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Possible Costume Lineups

tentative schedule for next year: Shadowcon (jan 7-8, Memphis) nothing new - only going on saturday, will probably just wear Ozma. MidSouthCon (April 1-3, Memphis) Padme Parade gown (which is what I'm working on now - I have 3 months to finish it, so it *should* be done... if not, it'll be at CIII) Celebration III (April 21-24, Indianapolis) Qui-Gon Jinn (for my dad) Mara Jade (MAYBE... it all depends on ...

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2005 Convention Schedule

For Halloween this year- Meg from Hercules. Debating on getting a wig and styling it, or just slumming it and doing my own hair. I'm leaning towards my own hair, just to save money and since it's just a halloween costume, anyway. MidSouthCon- Classic Leia for MidSouthCon next year. I want to make an actual *decent* looking one (as opposed to my crap last minute one from 2002). Celebration III- Obi-Wan ...

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