when i made cosplay plans

All right, pardon me but I gotta spill a little cosplay talk into Whisky. Not because I want to annoy you, no, it's because I need your opinion! The costumes I'm planning for next year... er, THIS year are: Rally Vincent (mostly done, will be won when bored at AZ), Misato's NERV uniform (for MidSouthCon in march) She-Ra (MidSouthcon in march) Lulu (Animazement in May) Faye Valentine (Animazement) Xianhua (Animazement) ...

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animazement photos

AHHHHHH, I just slammed my ankle into one of the metal bedposts as I was running to answer the phone which turned out to be nothing but a telemarketer!! Geez that hurt! Well I'm back for good... er, well, at least for 10 more days. Then I'm going to Disneyworld!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I updated the HP Monthly today, so many subs! I guess it was a popular topic :D And now, Animazement ...

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when i worked on stuff

*peeks in* Er, hi. Yeah, it was a busy weekend, ok? XD Friday, my parents & Ash's parents were going on a field trip (our moms are teachers) and it was an overnight thing, so Ash and I stayed out at my house. We had a watergun fight, which I TOTALLY won, yay me! We rented The Waterboy, The Rainmaker, and Oni, and I had bought the 3rd CCS DVD ...

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when we shopped

Well, yesterday wasn't bad. I went over and got Ash, then we went to office max and got some things, and then to the mall. I got a Monty Python and the Holy Grail card game! and a Patty O'Green (from rainbow brite!) shirt. Pretty cool. Then we went over to the anime store and I got an Evangelion CD case. Then to the fabric store... my Selphie costume is ...

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when i was excited for con

I've been looking thru Convention photos at a Fan's View, and I just had to come over and say... GAAAAAAH I CAN'T WAIT FOR ANIMAZEMENT!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe *bounces around* This is going to be my first anime convention! I mean, I've been to the local comic convention, but that's not the same. It's really small. Not many people in costume either! I finally decided on Beatrix, Selphie and a Sakura outfit (...

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when I made a costume decision

Ok, I'm doing Beatrix and Milly, but I need a 3rd. I ran through the choices... Sailormoon costume: Did one already, don't really want to do another. Sailor Lead Crow might be fun, but a pain to make AND a pain to wear. Out. CardCaptor Sakura: I'm not cute enough to be Sakura. Plus I hate wearing dresses, especially feminine dresses, so that's out. I DID consider the outfit she ...

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