New Photos, New Costume!

I've posted new photos of several costumes! One of them is not really a "new" costume - but it's one I never wore and never had photos of until now! And as a bonus, here's a behind-the-scenes video of how we do a white backdrop photoshoot!

2011 Costume Wrap-up

It's that time of the year! Beginning of this year these were my plans: Enchantress - done! Alternate Wonder Woman - aka Hippolyta - done! Lady Blackhawk - done! Rogue - done! Marie Antoinette - done! Charlotte (Princess & the Frog) - no :( Ms Marvel red suit/Moonstone - done! Disney character - no :( TV character - no :( That's probably the best I've ever done actually doing what I said ...

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Finished Costume: Shi’ar Rogue

I've finished my Shi'ar Rogue costume and have added it to my portfolio!

Dragoncon 2011 Costume Recap

First up, Supergirl. My plan was to wear Supergirl all Thursday night; I ended up wearing it for about 20 minutes because I wanted to put on Donna. So now that Supergirl was out of the way (LOL) I wore Donna the rest of the night - there were so many Doctor Who people around and with K9 out, it was really fun. Friday morning I got to wear Marie Antoinette, ...

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Valkyrie and Rogue updates

So here's "Pink Barf".... aka this Shi'ar Rogue costume> from around Uncanny X-Men 342 (specifically the alternate cover which I've always loved.) It's not terribly flattering LOL But I love the pieces Chase made for me, especially the shoulder pieces, so I'm excited to get some shots of it. I added a belt for two reasons - one to throw my X-Men buckle on, since I'm not sure how recognizable ...

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Pink Rogue Suit UPdate

Hey! I found a progress pic of Pink Barf I never uploaded. Here's the suit cut out with the yellow pieces put together and pinned on. I think this was before I had to go back and remake the front piece though...

Lots of Updates, Still no Pics

I need to break out the real camera and take some pics to post. My blog is awful bland with no pics. I've been working on "Pink Barf" - got the suit picked apart and cut the legs off. Got new front pieces cut. I had to go back and re-dye them because the chunk of leftover material I dyed didn't get in there long enough. I finished my shoes, ...

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Rogue Pink Suit & Emma Frost Updates

This post isn't going to be very interesting, because it's about 2 of my surprise costumes. We'll refer to them as "Pink Barf" and "Fur Monster." I started on "Pink Barf" about two weeks ago and initially made great progress. I didn't care for the shade of pink of my fabric though, even though it's what i picked out from my swatches I got. But once I saw it on with ...

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huzzah! Rogue Shoes

So didn't work on anything last night. went on a really lame quest to 3 different fabric stores in search of silver fabric that didn't look cheap, so I wouldn't have to order it online, and didn't find a thing. Then cleaned the house. So for the next costume I'm about to start on, I needed some shoes to mod, similar to what I used for starfire and rogue back in 2005 ...

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