photoshoot – round 2

Oh hey so yeah I totally didn't post last week. Monday was crazy busy I was like, I'll just do it tomorrow and then I forgot. Not like I really had much to post about anyway. Outside of the photoshoot I have basically done nothing except play Star Wars Lego. Let's start with the interesting stuff - photoshoot results! Hild Ok so Hild even after being let out does not ...

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adventures in old costumes – again

Hey if you saw my photoshoot post from Friday you might have seen me mention I wanted to do another photoshoot day while everything was still set up... Well we're doing it this weekend. What am I shooting? First up - HILD! I've had Hild on my list to get shot for a looooong time because in the back of my brain I'm always like "you can't wear Urd again ...

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Finished Costume: Powerpuff Girls

I finished our Powerpuff Girl costumes and have added them to my portfolio!

Dragoncon 2003 pics!

I've been a zombie all day. I feel like I haven't slept in days and I'm so sore! But yes it was all worth it! Friday we got up at 4:30 and started getting ready. Cath got to my house around 5:30 and we took off to pick Ash up. We got to the airport, checked our baggage, and then had a couple of hours to wait. We had breakfast at McDonald's, ...

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when i couldn’t focus because dragoncon

I am a nervous wreck. I'm up at 7 AM because I couldn't sleep thinking about this weekend. I'm skipping my classes today - I would be completely useless. It would be pointless. I AM going to work though, that will keep me busy with things I need to do and may also calm my nerves. If I were off today I don't know what I'd do all day, just wander ...

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when i got a new car

Ok, I have a bunch of stuff to hit so bear with me :D -First and foremost, I updated lunatic dingo again last night! -Secondly, I have a bunch of email to go through, I'm hoping to get to that today. -I didn't go to the doctor last week :D Not 'cause I skipped, but because at the time I was supposed to be at the doctor I had to ...

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Blossom nearly finished

My dress and wig are done! Still working on the Bubbles wig, and need to get white tights.