just a little weekend blurb, and an old picture.

Had a great weekend in Nashville. Went to Cheesecake Factory, the Container Store (so excited - we don't have one in Memphis but we went to the one in Little Rock for my aunt's birthday last year LOL), Antique Archaeology (the American Pickers store), and then spent the rest of the night filming video for Ryan's concert. Had lunch with my grandparents on the way home yesterday. Going through old ...

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Katsucon 2004 pics!

I'm dead tired. I don't know how I made it through the weekend. I fell asleep in the room 3 times by mistake. But it was fun! I was part of a great AMG group for the masq, and I met lots of cool people and it was great seeing friends from other cons again. Not enough really happened to constitute a real report, though. Arwen Wedding Dress: I wore it ...

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Finished Costume: Morrigan

I've finished my Morrigan costume and added it to my portfolio!

Morrigan In-progress!

Boots still need trimmed... need to alter the leotard, and obviously make the big wings.

Upcoming 2003 Schedules & Plans!

I would just like to say here that I do not want to be a babysitter and tour guide at Dragoncon. That is all. Anyway. Other than that, I'm SO looking forward to Dragoncon. FINALLY a convention where all 3 or us - me, ash and cath - are together. So, so excited. God, Cath is going to LOVE dragoncon. I already know me and Ash love Dragoncon :D I don't ...

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Katsucon 2003 Pics!

I'm still recovering from katsucon. But I did update the cosplay site, with new costume junk and a con report! There weren't many stories to tell, but you can read what I did those few days anyway. Belldandy came out much better than I expected. I was so frustrated over the wig I wondered if I would even wear the stupid thing at the convention. But it ended up being ...

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Tentative 2003 Schedule!

Tentative Schedule: *Katsucon: Belldandy (Ah My Goddess) Chun-Li (Street Fighter) White Utena (Utena manga illustration) Amalthea (Last Unicorn) Rewearing: Sailorjupiter (for the masq - maybe upgraded version), Ocha, Cammy, maybe Rally *Project A-kon: Nanami (Utena) Nina (Tekken 3) Aluminum Siren (Sailormoon) Rewearing: Quistis, Chun-Li, maybe Padme, Belldandy (with wings - for the masq) *Anime Expo: Morrigan (Darkstalkers, with Ash as BB Hood, for the masq) Princess Peach (Mario Bros.) Asuka plugsuit (...

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sketchblog: morrigan

reference art for my upcoming morrigan costume

Costumes for Next Year

Upcoming Costume Schedule: Halloween/LoTR: Arwen's Riding Costume Katsucon: Belldandy, Chun-Li, White Utena. Amalthea Anime Expo: Morrigan, Princess Peach, Asuka plugsuit, maybe Rikku MTAC: Edea, and something I can use my red wig for Dragoncon: (not including things that haven't been settled yet) Sir Bedevere, Teela, Susan (discworld), Padme's blue Senate Gown and then anything random I decided to make... things are pretty nicely spaced out this time. I'll have ...

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