The Time my Granddad Went to an Anime Convention

When I went to Katsucon 2003 (my first year there), my grandparents went with me. Obviously my grandparents know nothing about anime, and I thought they might go sight-see or something on saturday, but they didn't - they just kinda hung out, and, I think, had a relatively good time. Well, saturday afternoon rolls around, and I ask my granddad if there's anyway he can get a parent badge or something, ...

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when i was in a skit

Deathcom Multimedia has the video from Katsucon 10 up. If you want to see me looking dorky, go download it. It's around 50MB (and we were skit #21 - it's seperated by skits, so I think we're the 3rd video). It's really nice quality, and I crack myself up in it. hehe (fyi, I was Urd in the AMG skit)

Katsucon 2004 pics!

I'm dead tired. I don't know how I made it through the weekend. I fell asleep in the room 3 times by mistake. But it was fun! I was part of a great AMG group for the masq, and I met lots of cool people and it was great seeing friends from other cons again. Not enough really happened to constitute a real report, though. Arwen Wedding Dress: I wore it ...

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when it was time to go to katsucon

Going ahead and saying good bye! Not leaving until tomorrow evening, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow! I'll be back late Sunday. yay! I'm so excited about the con :B

belldandy & katsu 04 updates…

Woooo you can tell I've been busy... I've been getting a lot of stuff done but no time to make a post about it! (actually I just forgot) Bell is about... oh, maybe 85% done. I have to finish it today - this is my last day to work on it as I have to ship it out tomorrow. If you check my in-prgress tab for it you can see an ...

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Updates & Katsu 04 schedule

Finished Tohru - will update with pictures after the convention, but if you click on her in progress button in my gallery you can see the finished product. I finally found grommets the right size for Bell - will start putting them on tomorrow. Once that's done it's mostly just going to be little stuff left to do - details and what not, but THAT's the part that will take ...

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Katsu 2004 schedule

I'm sending off my pre-reg for Katsu tomorrow. here's my final costume list. (that is, final until I change it again! har) Friday (in order, supposedly): Honda Tohru, Yuffie, Asuka plugsuit, Arwen wedding, Morrigan Saturday: Nanami, honda tohru, Angel Belldandy, Manga Belldandy, Misato Nothing on sunday 'cause I'm leaving too early. I keep thinking that doesn't seem like a lot, but it's 9. that's a lot. I really shouldn't be wearing ...

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katsu go!

Katsucon Hotel: check Katsucon plane tickets: check Katsucon pre-registration: er, not yet And again, not going to Numa Rei No con. That's just a bad time of the year. :(

Katsucon 2003 Pics!

I'm still recovering from katsucon. But I did update the cosplay site, with new costume junk and a con report! There weren't many stories to tell, but you can read what I did those few days anyway. Belldandy came out much better than I expected. I was so frustrated over the wig I wondered if I would even wear the stupid thing at the convention. But it ended up being ...

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when i was stuck with one pair of pants

Last few minutes of net time in the business office here in the hotel. Going stir crazy. Would like to wear a different pair of pants. Pictures when I get home tomorow...