Dragoncon 2004 Pics!!

why it's me and Craig Parker! (Haldir in FOTR and TT) He was very nice :) Anyway, my point of this entry was the fact that I have my dragoncon pictures up. Right here . And thus ends my con season. Nothing until march next year. Now I can clean my room!

Lessa, hermione, Ozma and Padme updates

Lessa - done, except the shoulder braid, which I will either do tonight or on the plane tomorrow. Won't take but about another 10 minutes to do. I wore it on a test-run last week - it's almost unbearably hot, but I like how it looks. We'll see at dragoncon. Hermione - done. will need to be pressed again when we get there (skirt, robes and white shirt... too much stuff ...

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Updates & Dcon 04 Schedule

Man the last few days have been hectic beyond belief! I've finished Ozma, Lessa and Hermione. I've made 2 sets of hobbit feet and painted two sets of hobbit ears and put in countless grommets (but that's ok because I love putting in grommets!) Padme and Ash's masquerade costume are the only things left. For Padme, the headpiece is nearly done, I've just got about an hour or so's work left ...

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A sewing get-together

So yesterday we had another little sewing get-together. I finished Lessa (no pics yet), and got started on the base dress for Amidala, and I made one of the accessories for Amidala and Got the top and skirt put together for Ash's costume, and got started on *her* headpiece. Got the skirt for Ash's mom's hobbit costume finished, and I finished her hobbit feet. They crack me up! My masquerade ...

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Ozma, Hermione and other Progress Pics!

Pictures! my "secret" masquerade costume is ozma, which anybody who has been around my site or my cosplaylab profile would know I've been planning on doing for a long time. Ash and I decided we wanted to keep it under wraps until dragoncon though, so I've stopped mentioning what it is. Anyway, I started on it back before akon but didn't finish it. The dress is finished now (mostly, gotta ...

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Hobbit Costumes!

My mom and Ash's mom and I were standing around talking about Dragoncon, and both of them are all like, way into wanting to do costumes this year. Ash's mom is going as both a hobbit lass and a random Dragonrider (pern), she says. Mom wants to go as Menolly from the Pern books, and I'm still planning on going as Lessa, so we'll have us a weird little Pern ...

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