who totally forgot to post yesterday

I remembered late last night. I was like, oh today was Monday and I forgot to post on my blog. My schedule is all flipped upside down between the holiday and still adjusting to working from home. I have a ton of stuff to post so I'm going to break it up into sections. 1. SEWING! So after last week's post I got a little bit more done on the Raddus ...

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Dragoncon 2019 Wrap-Up

It's my favourite post of the year! The post where I get to recap Dragoncon and post all my fav pics. So Wednesday I went into work early so I could leave early (2), which ended up not being necessary... I'd pretty much gotten everything packed Tuesday night and all I really had left was stuff like my toothbrush, medicine, etc. So I ended up just taking a nap til Ash ...

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friiiiiiiday update

So first a Chase update. LIke I said in my last post, he ended up having to call an ambulance and go to the ER. My parents were thankfully able to sit with him until I got off work. They did another MRI and gave him a ton of pain meds and some muscle relaxers and by the time he got discharged that night felt like nearly normal. Very little ...

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Dragoncon State of the Union: August Edition

I know I just kinda wrote out a to-do list in Monday's post but my brain is screaming in anxiety today and it helps to write lists. So I'm going ahead with my August state of the union. 1. Dr Crusher is DONE! Finished her up last week, last few details like sewing in magnets for the communicators, styling the wig. The only thing left to do is finish my tricorder, ...

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weird & wacky

When you have so few pics for today's post that you don't even have a good one for a header... So what a freaking weird weekend it was. I don't actually have a lot of photos to show today. Last week I focused on finishing up Crusher - I got the shoulder pads in, shortened the sleeves, got the magnets set in for the communicator, ended up taking up the ...

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So to conclude the saga of the artist who won't send out the stuff I bought from him... doing a chargeback with our bank today. Disappointing to say the least. So let's see, what have I done the past week? It took me a few days to recover from ABC so last week I didn't get a ton done. Started messing with my new Crait Leia wig. Concerned about how ...

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oh my

what a busy weekend. My whole body hurts and I don't know why! So to back up. Didn't get a whole lot of sewing stuff done last week, was still working on the house. But I did get my fabric for Hera on Monday.... Ummmm not an immediate love here. I set it out and decided to just think about it a bit while I started messing with a mockup. ...

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Art is… a rambo

I had sinus stuff all last week (with accompanying sinus headaches) which transitioned into a migraine on thursday and then I had a migraine all weekend, bad enough on Saturday that I laid on the couch nauseated and feeling awful a good portion of the day. Every once in a while my medicine would kick in and I'd be able to go do something but then it'd stop working and ...

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the saga continues

So my big plans for sewing all weekend and getting lots of stuff done were foiled by fabric! Namely by the fact I can't buy/find the fabric I need locally anymore EVER (*cough*Joann*cough*) so I have to buy online and hope what comes is what I need - either that or pay, wait 2 weeks on a fabric swatch, go back, buy fabric, wait another week on fabric ...

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our watch has ended

Well mine never started because I didn't even watch last night's GOT finale. I haven't really watched much of GOT the last 2-3 seasons? And for this last season I got spoiled so didn't feel like watching it. Well, I got partially spoiled, then dived on into full spoilers because why not. LOL. But I keep seeing people talk about Sansa's costumes from the finale and I want to see ...

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