
Over the weekend, I had a weird mash-up dream where we were at Disney World and then at Dragon Con but neither place was the ACTUAL place. (Most of my Dragon Con dreams take place in places that are not the Dragon Con hotels. But in my head it's Dragon Con. It's often strange hotels/convention centers/mall mash-ups I've never been to.) It started out with going through some ...

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Dragoncon 2014 Song

Every year I end up picking out a song that is my "dragoncon song" for the year. A song gets to be a "dragoncon song" by either being something I've played a lot over the summer while working on costumes, or just because it makes me think of dragoncon. I thought I'd put together a playlist of my dragoncon songs. 1. 1,2,3,4, Sumpin' New (Coolio) - This is 2014's song. 2. Get Lucky (...

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Um, no

Several several years ago, our local newspaper posted an article about one of our local cons. I found it by happenstance, just from googling around afterwards looking for pics. Well, they had used an AP photo from San Diego Comic Con for the article. That was the only image for the whole article. And I'm like, as long as this con has been going on here in town, you don't ...

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FAQ Friday: SDCC vs Dragoncon

Today's question is... The age old question: SDCC or Dragoncon? It’s seriously like comparing apples and oranges. I’ve been to both – Dragoncon every year since 2002, and SDCC for 2004-2006, so I've seen the ups and downs of both conventions. SDCC’s perks are pretty apparent from all the news you see covering it. You’ve got the chance to see and meet big stars, and exciting news and ...

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in reality

I keep trying to put together some kind of dragoncon costume schedule to post, so people can know when I'm wearing what. today I realised that this is really my dragoncon schedule: 1. wear costumes 2. nap 3. wear costumes 4. tequila shots so yeah, im just going to post that when anyone asks

Flying & Conventions

Let's break it down. In 2002, I flew to 3 conventions. 2003, I flew to 4. 2004, I flew to 4 again. In 2005, 4 again. In 2006? I flew to 2 events. 2007? 0. 2008? 0. 2009, 2010, and 2011 each had 1 convention we flew to. 2012 was 0. 2013 was 1. So what happened? Well besides life in general (I mean once you get married you now have to pay for 2 tickets instead of 1!), flying out of Memphis is ridiculous and nearly completely prohibitive. So let's say Chase and ...

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2011 convention schedule

Emerald City Comic Con - March 4-6 MidSouthCon - March 25-27 TENTATIVE: MTAC - April 22-24 TENTATIVE: Superman Celebration - June 10-13 Dragon*Con - Labor Day GMX - ?? We finally decided on our "travel" con for this year, it'll be Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. Chase went to school in Seattle so he's been wanting to go back for a visit :) MTAC and Superman Celebration are two things ...

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when did dragoncon become comic con?

So I was up way too early this morning to join in on the "marriott landgrab" for Dragoncon 2011. When we first started going - for probably I'd say 2002-2005, we had no issues getting a room at the Marriott. There was no "room grab" day when the rooms went on sale - they just went on sale and people called throughout the year to book. There was no frenzy. It ...

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my mind is in dragoncon mode

I'm sorry to folks out there who really aren't interested in dragoncon but my mind has officially kicked over into that mode, so expect to hear pretty much nothing else for the next 3 months (before & after LOL) We finally bought our tickets today. We say EVERY YEAR that we're going to buy our tickets for next year at the previous year's con. (ie, at the convention last year we ...

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C4 all over again

We couldn't go to Celebration 4 because of the wedding - we just couldn't afford it AND a wedding in the same year. Hearing people talking about it, and people constantly asking if we were going just made me so sad that year, because I really wanted to be there! I was so disappointed we couldn't go. And now the same thing is happening with Celebration 5. If C5 were any other ...

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