oh my god

I did not post last week... AGAIN! Well I didn't have much to talk about so it's not like anyone was missing anything. I've been having to go to the doctor every dang week, excluding the week to disney, and it's really starting to fray my nerves. They're trying to get my blood pressure under control before surgery later this month and checking in and tweaking things weekly. Now this ...

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it’s rat time

Remember how last week I said we were finally done with white backdrop shoots? Well I lied. Chase used a different camera for the last 2 shoots (Jedi Leia and Boushh) and when I got the shots back they just looked too different than every other white backdrop shoot; I looked back lit. Which was a bummer because i really liked some of the photos especially the ones where Luna crashed ...

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thank you for your preferences

Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget. I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay. Speaking of, here's a recap of the photoshoot pics I've uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra: I'm actually ...

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champagne problems

Wow! After weeks of nothing much to post about, I finally have a decent amount of stuff to post about! First here's a couple of Chase's pics of my Wanda at Zooboo last weekend. And my parents! Monday I got something in the mail I'd been waiting on for QUITE A WHILE! This is the RS Propmasters Boushh helmet, I got #15 out of 100. It's gorgeous! It lights up! Ahhhh! I ...

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2020 wrap-up

I always looking forward to doing my end of the year costume wrap-ups. This year is sad. I really didn't think a year could get worse than 2019 and that 2020 would be a great year. Instead we got a dumpster fire. I'm angry, sad, depressed. All I want is to get eat pizza in a restaurant. Anyway. I did actually get a decent amount of sewing done this year despite having ...

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sail away

It's Monday again. And once again I really don't have much in the realm of sewing to show you guys this week. I did do a little. Excited about my new fabric, I decided to start messing around with Liberty Dies Padme. Decided that my smallest hoopskirt was closest to the right shape. It's not 100% but it'll work as a stand-in for now. Also decided that the Padme "Peacock" pattern ...

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2017 Year in Review

It's that time of the year again... time to see what I accomplished this year, what I didn't get to, and what I did instead of doing the things I said I was going to do. So last year I said my goals for 2017 were: 1. Georgian Belle – as I said above, finish it up for Visioncon. Did I?! Not really. I redid the wig, twice - once for Visioncon, and ...

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rock and roll

So this weekend was...strange. Thursday I had a hair appointment after work -- to get my Mon Mothma wig trimmed! This was the before. I didn't think to take an after. He cut a lot off to thin it out! Looks much better! And also my ribbon for the white medieval dress came in: So pretty! I got some more done on the dress that night, too, but it ...

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New costume pics: Boushh and Donna Noble!

Here's a few new costume pics we took recently. Boushh: Decided to take some shots of Boushh just because my cousin was doing some of his Luke Skywalker, so I did Leia-as-Boushh to do some matching shots. I still don't have a new helmet and it's in some desperate need of repairs (my blaster was a mess.) but it's great to have new shots of it. I especially like this ...

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2007 in review

Well since I'm mostly done for the year - outside of my little secret project - I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I've had it done for a while actually LOL At the beginning of the year, this is what I wanted to accomplish... keeping in mind that when I wrote this, Chase hadn't proposed yet and changed a lot of our plans for the year!! 1. Ceremonial Leia v.2 ...

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