it’s rat time

Remember how last week I said we were finally done with white backdrop shoots? Well I lied. Chase used a different camera for the last 2 shoots (Jedi Leia and Boushh) and when I got the shots back they just looked too different than every other white backdrop shoot; I looked back lit. Which was a bummer because i really liked some of the photos especially the ones where Luna crashed ...

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thank you for your preferences

Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget. I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay. Speaking of, here's a recap of the photoshoot pics I've uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra: I'm actually ...

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champagne problems

Wow! After weeks of nothing much to post about, I finally have a decent amount of stuff to post about! First here's a couple of Chase's pics of my Wanda at Zooboo last weekend. And my parents! Monday I got something in the mail I'd been waiting on for QUITE A WHILE! This is the RS Propmasters Boushh helmet, I got #15 out of 100. It's gorgeous! It lights up! Ahhhh! I ...

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2020 wrap-up

I always looking forward to doing my end of the year costume wrap-ups. This year is sad. I really didn't think a year could get worse than 2019 and that 2020 would be a great year. Instead we got a dumpster fire. I'm angry, sad, depressed. All I want is to get eat pizza in a restaurant. Anyway. I did actually get a decent amount of sewing done this year despite having ...

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sail away

It's Monday again. And once again I really don't have much in the realm of sewing to show you guys this week. I did do a little. Excited about my new fabric, I decided to start messing around with Liberty Dies Padme. Decided that my smallest hoopskirt was closest to the right shape. It's not 100% but it'll work as a stand-in for now. Also decided that the Padme "Peacock" pattern ...

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2017 Year in Review

It's that time of the year again... time to see what I accomplished this year, what I didn't get to, and what I did instead of doing the things I said I was going to do. So last year I said my goals for 2017 were: 1. Georgian Belle – as I said above, finish it up for Visioncon. Did I?! Not really. I redid the wig, twice - once for Visioncon, and ...

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rock and roll

So this weekend was...strange. Thursday I had a hair appointment after work -- to get my Mon Mothma wig trimmed! This was the before. I didn't think to take an after. He cut a lot off to thin it out! Looks much better! And also my ribbon for the white medieval dress came in: So pretty! I got some more done on the dress that night, too, but it ...

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New costume pics: Boushh and Donna Noble!

Here's a few new costume pics we took recently. Boushh: Decided to take some shots of Boushh just because my cousin was doing some of his Luke Skywalker, so I did Leia-as-Boushh to do some matching shots. I still don't have a new helmet and it's in some desperate need of repairs (my blaster was a mess.) but it's great to have new shots of it. I especially like this ...

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2007 in review

Well since I'm mostly done for the year - outside of my little secret project - I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I've had it done for a while actually LOL At the beginning of the year, this is what I wanted to accomplish... keeping in mind that when I wrote this, Chase hadn't proposed yet and changed a lot of our plans for the year!! 1. Ceremonial Leia v.2 ...

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Finished Costume: Boushh

I've finished my Leia as Boushh costume and have added it to my portfolio!